I’m having trouble adding bar spacing to a stacked plot, as it is shifting the bars off center.
dfsample = CSV.read("dfsample.csv", DataFrame)
p = plot(dfsample,
Geom.bar(orientation = :horizontal),
In this image you can see the DataFrame. The first plot is using the code above. When I add 5mm of bar spacing note how bars are shifted off center (plot 2). Then if I remove the color argument I get the expected behavior of centered bars with 5mm of spacing (plot 3). Any ideas?
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Same, here with the latest version (v1.3.4) of Gadfly. Maybe open a new issue at Issues · GiovineItalia/Gadfly.jl · GitHub
using CSV, DataFrames, Statistics, Gadfly
download("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mwaskom/seaborn-data/master/penguins.csv", "penguins.csv")
penguins = DataFrame(CSV.File("penguins.csv"))
set_default_plot_size(16cm, 12cm)
combine(groupby(dropmissing(penguins), [:species, :sex]), :body_mass_g .=> mean .=> :body_mass_g),
x = "species",
y = "body_mass_g",
color = "sex",
Geom.bar(orientation = :vertical),
Theme(bar_spacing = 15mm, background_color = "white",)
combine(groupby(dropmissing(penguins), [:species, :sex]), :body_mass_g .=> mean .=> :body_mass_g),
x = "body_mass_g",
y = "species",
color = "sex",
Geom.bar(orientation = :horizontal),
Theme(bar_spacing = 15mm, background_color = "white",)