I’m using Gadfly to plot some results. I want to put the legend on top of the figure, but when I use the following code
results = Dict{String,Array{Float64,1}}()
# Run the experiments and put the observations into 'results'
# ...
# ...
# Start plotting
penColors = distinguishable_colors( length(testAlgs)+1 )
xPoints = 1:noOfTimeSteps
algStr = [ Algorithms.info_str(_alg) for _alg ∈ testAlgs ]
fig_reward = Gadfly.plot(
[ layer( x = xPoints,
y = results[algStr[i]],
Theme(default_color=penColors[i+1]) ) for i = 1:length(algStr) ]...,
Guide.xlabel( "Time Step" ),
Guide.xticks( ticks=collect(0:20:100) ),
Guide.ylabel( "Average Reward" ),
Guide.yticks( ticks=collect(0.0:0.1:1.0) ),
Guide.title( "ϵ-Greedy performance" ),
Guide.manual_color_key( "", algStr, penColors[2:end] ),
i get the following figure:
My problem is, here all the entries are crowded towards left.
Is there any way to nicely spread them evenly along the horizontal space?