Functor preprocessing pattern

I’m trying to adapt the preprocessing pattern showcased by
He basically creates a structure to store transformation functions and a functor that returns the transformation itself:

struct Preproc <: Function

function (p::Preproc)(df::DataFrame, ids=nothing)
    df = copy(df)
    ids = isnothing(ids) ? range(1, length(p.layers), step=1) : ids
    if length(ids) == 1
        transform!(df, p.layers[ids[1]])
        for layer in p.layers[ids]
            transform!(df, layer)
    return df

I wish to boxcox transform my target variable while storing its power parameter to apply later to novel observatios, so I’ve used BoxCoxTrans and defined the following:

struct BoxCox{T} <: Function

BoxCox(x::AbstractVector) = BoxCox(BoxCoxTrans.lambda(x).value)

function (m::BoxCox)(x::Union{Real,Missing})
    return BoxCoxTrans.transform(x, m.λ)

However, when I push and “fit” with

function build_preproc(df)

    df_fit = copy(df) 
    preproc = Preproc([])

    push!(preproc.layers, :wait => BoxCox => :wait)
    df_fit = preproc(df_fit)

    return preproc

df I get this on every cell
instead of the transformed values and I just cannot, for the life of me, get it to return the transformed variable.

Here are the links jeremie’s work

Thank you in advance.

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I don’t really understand the math(?) being done here, but let me ask if I’m reading this right. By transformed value, you mean the expression BoxCoxTrans.transform(x, m.λ) returned by the (m::BoxCox) method right? So the issue is that you’re reaching the callable BoxCox{Float64} instances and need that extra step of calling them, given some input for x::Union{Real,Missing}?

I’m no expert on cats either but I think you got it right, it’s that last step that eludes me

My hunch is that the fix has to be in the :wait => BoxCox => :wait part. I’ve only used DataFrames rarely to limited degrees, so hopefully someone who knows it better can help you out. Maybe it would help them if you told them what the :wait data is (or a simulated example data), and what inputs you expect BoxCox and BoxCox{Float64} to be called on.

Indeed, I’ve tried variations of :wait => BoxCox => :wait such as :wait => ByRow(BoxCox) => :wait which I think maybe got me a step closer since this is what I’m now getting
while before the 0.25... coincides with the BoxCox lambda.

Also, :wait => (w -> BoxCox) => :wait gets me

On the other hand :wait => (w -> BoxCox(w)) => :wait returns the same as :wait => BoxCox => :wait

As for the interpretation of :wait it’s a slightly skewed normally distributed waiting time represented as a <::Number. Hope that helps.

Looks like you don’t apply your functor after creating it, and end up with the same object in the result. I never use DataFrames and not familiar with how functors play with their custom transformation syntax, but for regular arrays the transformation would look like this:

wait = ... # your vector of numbers
b = BoxCox(wait)
wait = b.(wait)  # vector of transformed values

Trying to broadcast with :wait => (w -> BoxCox.(w)) => :wait) returns same as ByRow(BoxCox) version above

:wait => BoxCox(df_fit[:, :wait]) => :wait

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