Broadcast transformed data from single row to multiple columns

Suppose I have a DataFrame like this

df = DataFrame("a" => [1,2], "b" => [3,4])
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b     
     │ Int64  Int64 
   1 │     1      3
   2 │     2      4

and I want to calculate several new columns using the function

function my_weird_fun(x,y)
    return x+y, x-y, x*y, x/y

I can do this

transform(data, [:a,:b]  => ByRow(my_weird_fun) => [:plus,:minus,:times,:div])
2×6 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b      plus   minus  times  div      
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Float64  
   1 │     1      3      4     -2      3  0.333333
   2 │     2      4      6     -2      8  0.5

But what if I only want to use the first row of a and b and broadcast the result to all rows of the new columns, so that the result is

2×6 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b      plus   minus  times  div      
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Float64  
   1 │     1      3      4     -2      3  0.333333
   2 │     2      4      4     -2      3  0.333333

Is there a way to achieve this using transform?

EDIT: This works but feels rather hacky:

transform(df, :a => ByRow(x->my_weird_fun(df.a[1],df.b[1])) => [:plus,:minus,:times,:div])

Is there a way I can achieve this without direct reference to df which might come out of a @chain?

An ugly solution is:

julia> transform(df, [:a,:b]  => ((x, y) -> fill(my_weird_fun(first(x), first(y)), length(x))) => [:plus,:minus,:times,:div])
2×6 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b      plus   minus  times  div
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      3      4     -2      3  0.333333
   2 │     2      4      4     -2      3  0.333333

which is designed to re-use my_weird_fun. I assume this is what you want.

An alternative would be e.g.:

transform(df, [[:a,:b]]  .=> (Base.splat.([+, -, *, /]) .∘ (x...) -> getindex.(x, 1)) .=> [:plus, :minus, :times, :div])

The key challenge here is the second part i.e. forcing to use only the first element in computation.

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Thanks for the quick reply!
The first solution is probably going to be my workaround.

The background is that I am actually splitting a large Dataframe via groupby and want to apply the function once for each group (because it’s rather expensive) and then fill the results for all rows of each group. I could probably do this with loops as well, only thought there might be a solution within the transform syntax.

EDIT: I just realized that this rules out any use of ByRow, so my hacky solution is not very useful to begin with.

Then you should not use ByRow. But rather write a function in a way that it is aware that it will get vectors as input.

transform(df, Returns((;zip([:plus,:minus,:times,:div],my_weird_fun(df[1,:a], df[1,:b]))...)))
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Right :smile: - as I have commented above I would put something like this in a separate function

df = DataFrame("gr"=> rand(1:10,20),"a" => rand(1:10,20), "b" => rand(1:10,20))
function my_weird_fun(x,y)
    return x+y, x-y, x*y, x/y

t(df)=transform(df, Returns((;zip([:plus,:minus,:times,:div],my_weird_fun(df[1,:a], df[1,:b]))...)))

julia> combine(t,groupby(df,:gr))
20×7 DataFrame
 Row │ gr     a      b      plus   minus  times  div     
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Float64
   1 │     3     10      6     16      4     60  1.66667
   2 │     3      2     10     16      4     60  1.66667
   3 │     3      7      6     16      4     60  1.66667
   4 │     4      4      2      6      2      8  2.0
   5 │     4      9      6      6      2      8  2.0
   6 │     4      2      7      6      2      8  2.0
   7 │     4      7      1      6      2      8  2.0
   8 │     4      6      8      6      2      8  2.0
   9 │     5      3      1      4      2      3  3.0
  10 │     5      5     10      4      2      3  3.0
  11 │     5      3      3      4      2      3  3.0
  12 │     5      6      1      4      2      3  3.0
  13 │     6      8      5     13      3     40  1.6
  14 │     7      7      4     11      3     28  1.75
  15 │     7      5      6     11      3     28  1.75
  16 │     7      3      4     11      3     28  1.75
  17 │     7      7      3     11      3     28  1.75
  18 │     8      2      4      6     -2      8  0.5
  19 │     8      1      7      6     -2      8  0.5
  20 │    10      6      1      7      5      6  6.0
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In an attempt to understand how this phantasmagorical expression worked, I have produced the following versions which may make it easier for someone how things are.

transform(df, [[:a,:b]]  .=> ( map(f->Base.splat(f)∘((x...)->getindex.(x, 1)),[+, -, *, /])) .=> [:plus, :minus, :times, :div])

transform(df, [[:a,:b]] .=> [(x...)->sum(x), (x...)->(-)(x...), (x...)->.*(x...), (x...)->.\(x...)].=>[:plus, :minus, :times, :div])

transform(df, [[:a,:b]] .=> map(f->((x...)->f(x...)),[+, -, .*, .\]) .=>["a+b","a-b","a*b","a\b"] )

transform(df, [[:a,:b]] .=> map(f->((x...)->f(first.(x)...)),[+, -, *, \]) .=>["a+b","a-b","a*b","a\b"] )

transform(df, [:a,:b]=>( (x...)->(;zip([:plus,:minus,:times,:div], map(f->f(x...),[+, -, .*,.\]))...))=>AsTable)

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Here is another option which doesn’t use transform, but looks simple enough.

First, make my_weird_fun return NamedTuple:

function my_weird_fun(x,y)
    return (plus=x+y, minus=x-y, times=x*y, div=x/y)


df = DataFrame("a" => [1,2], "b" => [3,4])

df |> (d -> foreach(
              pairs(my_weird_fun(first.(d[!,f] for f in [:a,:b])...))


julia> df
2×6 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b      plus   minus  times  div      
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Float64  
   1 │     1      3      4     -2      3  0.333333
   2 │     2      4      4     -2      3  0.333333

If the goal is to treat groups of a DataFrame separately, this can be done with this method as follows:

df = DataFrame(:a => [1,2,3], :b => [4,5,6], :c => [7,7,8])

foreach(d -> foreach(p->d[!,p[1]].=p[2], 
  pairs(my_weird_fun(first.(d[!,f] for f in [:a,:b])...))
  ), groupby(df, :c))


julia> df
3×7 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b      c      plus    minus   times   div      
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64?  Int64?  Int64?  Float64? 
   1 │     1      4      7       5      -3       4      0.25
   2 │     2      5      7       5      -3       4      0.25
   3 │     3      6      8       9      -3      18      0.5

Keen-eyed readers will note the added columns are pesky unions with Missing even though nothing is missing. This can be fixed by iterating on groups cleverly:

foreach(d -> foreach(p->d[!,p[1]].=p[2], 
    pairs(my_weird_fun(first.(d[!,f] for f in [:a,:b])...))
  ), Iterators.flatten([(df,),Iterators.drop(groupby(df, :c),1)]))
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Thanks for all the nice suggestions, even though some of them appear quite arcane. :hushed:

I picked a bit of each to come up with something that does the job while still looking relatively clean:

using DataFrames

df = DataFrame("gr"=> rand(1:10,20),"a" => rand(1:10,20), "b" => rand(1:10,20))

my_weird_fun(x,y) = (plus=x+y, minus=x-y, times=x*y, div=x/y)

for g in groupby(df,:gr)
    transform!(g, Returns(my_weird_fun(g.a[1],g.b[1])))

Except for the “pesky unions” already mentioned by @Dan, any more disadvantages here?

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Just replace groupby(df,:gr) with Iterators.flatten([(df,),groupby(df, :gr)]). It should get rid of the pesky unions (with some overhead, of course)

Using the following expressions stays within the mini-language and doesn’t present the problem of “pesky” columns.
about being more or less clear, it can be debated

julia> using DataFrames

julia> df = DataFrame("gr"=> rand(1:10,20),"a" => rand(1:10,20), "b" => rand(1:10,20))
20×3 DataFrame

julia> function mwf(x,y)
           return (plus=x+y, minus=x-y, times=x*y, div=x/y)
mwf (generic function with 1 method)

julia> t(gdf)=transform(gdf, x->mwf(gdf[1,:a],gdf[1,:b]))   
t (generic function with 1 method)

julia> combine(t,groupby(df,:gr))
20×7 DataFrame
 Row │ gr     a      b      plus   minus  times  div      
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64  Float64  
   1 │     1      4      3      7      1     12   1.33333
   2 │     1      3      1      7      1     12   1.33333
   3 │     2      8     10     18     -2     80   0.8
   4 │     2      5      5     18     -2     80   0.8       
   5 │     3     10      1     11      9     10  10.0       
   6 │     4      9      7     16      2     63   1.28571   
   7 │     4     10      1     16      2     63   1.28571   
   8 │     4      7      8     16      2     63   1.28571   
   9 │     5      7      7     14      0     49   1.0       
  10 │     5      8      2     14      0     49   1.0       
  11 │     5      9      1     14      0     49   1.0       
  12 │     6      6      3      9      3     18   2.0       
  13 │     6      2      7      9      3     18   2.0       
  14 │     7      7      5     12      2     35   1.4       
  15 │     8      9      2     11      7     18   4.5       
  16 │     8      5      2     11      7     18   4.5       
  17 │     8      2      7     11      7     18   4.5       
  18 │     8      8      3     11      7     18   4.5       
  19 │     9      1      2      3     -1      2   0.5       
  20 │     9     10      7      3     -1      2   0.5 
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Thanks. Toying around with this, I found that the source of the Union types is actually the fact that my version with the loop works in-place. Replacing transform with transform! in your example leads to the same result.

Another thing to consider is that my version, being an in-place operation, keeps the exact order of df while using combine on the GroupedDataFrame will order the resulting (new) DataFrame according to the groups.


Alright, my final version now looks like this:

using DataFrames
using DataFramesMeta

df = DataFrame("gr"=> rand(1:10,20),"a" => rand(1:10,20), "b" => rand(1:10,20))

function my_weird_fun(df) 
    x,y = @with df :a[1],:b[1]
    (plus=x+y, minus=x-y, times=x*y, div=x/y)


@with in this case is obviously not needed, but in case you have a lot of input columns its clearer this way.

or in the following form without having to rely on packages other than DataFrames.

function mwf(gdf,cols)
    return (plus=+(fr...), times=.*(fr...))
