Franklin.jl website generated on Github is much different than what i created on Local system

I made my website for myself since I can do with my data what I want. Also: Over my own website containing my data, I have full control, that is, I can take that down if I want to. I do not want to, since that page represents my research.

But using other persons data, even if publicly available, is not nice. Posting that data somewhere else (for example here) – is not ok.

Concerning your latest screenshot. Please read again what Thiebaut wrote (no I will not @ mention him) on deploying a homepage and the pre path. That page explains what you have to do with the pre path. And please – I am writing that for the fifth time now – read this Please read: make it easier to help you .

Finally, please take her data down and do a project that does not use other peoples personal data.

PS: The website did change – you just have not read any of the previous posts about how the pre path works. its called pre path for a reason and not url-prefix for example.