Frame of the chart disappears when increasing chart size

Hi everyone, I am trying to produce a simple line chart like

plot(x, y, , xlabel=“x”, ylabel=“y”, color=:black, linewidth=20, linestyle=:dot, grid=false, legend=false, yticks=y_tick_positions, tickfontsize=120, labelfontsize=120,framestyle=:box, tick_direction=:out, fontfamily=“Computer Modern”, size=(5000,5000))

My issue is that when I increase the size of the plot considerably like in the code above size=(5000, 5000), the black frame around the chart (framestyle=:box) disappears. If the size is considerably lower (like size=(2000, 2000)), then the frame appears.

I am using julia v1.8

Thanks a lot in advance.

Please try to provide a Minimum Working Example (MWE) when you post questions. It makes it easier to help you.

I’m not sure what sort of plot you were trying to create, but a minimum working example could look like this:

using Plots
x = [1]
y = [1]
y_tick_positions = 0
plot(x, y, xlabel="x", ylabel="y", color=:black, linewidth=20, linestyle=:dot,
    grid=false, legend=false, yticks=y_tick_positions, tickfontsize=120,
    labelfontsize=120,framestyle=:box, tick_direction=:out, fontfamily="Computer Modern",
    size=(5000, 5000),

I also got some issues with the edges of the graph being cut off when I ran this code and, as you said, it doesn’t seem to be happening at size=(2000, 2000). I am not sure what the issue is. Maybe other can help.

In the meantime, you could also consider using the CairoMakie package. You could try something like this:

using CairoMakie
x = [1]
y = [1]
lines(x, y, size=(5000, 5000),)

CairoMakie allows you to have control over the size, though you have to think about what you mean by size. Do you mean pixels? You can learn more about controling figure sizes here: