Flow Charts? LightGraphs?

I still don’t have access to a computer with Julia on it :frowning: .

Looking at your code, I don’t think that GraphRecipes is the right fit for you without some fairly serious modification. Right now we don’t do anything to make sure that edges go around nodes and other edges that are in their way. Instead, we always try to find a layout that minimizes intersections between edges.

The layout that you are forcing graphplot to use has edges 3\to4 and 4\to5 lying right on top of 5\to3. Presumably, you want edge 5\to3 to kind of go out to the side a little bit before it goes up to node 3. Collision avoidance could be a fun thing to add, although I can’t guaruntee that I could have it implemented and tagged in time for your blog post.

Since I can’t run the code, I could be totally wrong about the above. Also, I could be wrong about your expectations for the shape of a flowchart.

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