Hi, a few days ago all of a sudden my plots were reporting an error. In an attempt to fix this, I ended up finding a possible installation in a forum that would solve my problem. It actually fixed it, but now I have another problem. My graphics are now extremely large.
using DataFrames
using CSV
using Plots
# Consumption
consumption1 = DataFrame(CSV.File(download("http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~wgreene/Text/Edition7/TableF1-1.csv")));
# Plot
income= consumption1[:, 2]
consumption=consumption1[:, 3]
scatter(income, consumption, xlabel = "Income", ylabel = "Consumption", legend = false)
Even doing this, I can’t fix:
scatter(income, consumption, xlabel = "Income", ylabel = "Consumption", legend = false, size = (400, 300))
ps: I don’t remember what I installed.