Hi all,
I have to read and preprocess a huge quantity of binary (big-endian) data from thousands of files. I managed to get everything to work properly, but my function is slow… However, as I’m a Julia beginner, I doubt my coding is optimal.
Here is the code snippet :
function readBinaryFile(file::AbstractString)
@info string("Reading binary file ", file)
nInt32 = (numberOfChannels + headerSize)*samplesPerFile
temp = Vector{Int32}(undef, nInt32)
open(file) do io
read!(io, temp)
temp .= ntoh.(temp)
temp = reshape(temp, (numberOfChannels+headerSize, samplesPerFile))
data = convert(Array{Float64,2}, temp[headerSize+1:end,:])/2^12
return transpose(data)
Any way of doing it faster ?