Fast "bool ^ float", and fast "float ^ bool" as a gift!

I already wrote this before I thought to ask Oscar Smith what he meant by “PR”. I am not an user of GitHab and do not know how to make pull requests, so I leave it here.


Oscar Smith asked me to “make a PR to base for the Float64^Float64 algorithm” if I can find a faster way of “bool ^ float” than here: Speed up `x::Bool ^ y::Float64`.

function f3(x::Bool, y::T) where T<:AbstractFloat
    ifelse(x | iszero(y),  one(T), abs(y) * T(Inf) * (!(y>0)))

I found a faster way witch done on my processor without hard using low-level specific like intrinsics and so on.

I checked my achievements on Ryzen 9 and Core i3.

On older processors (for example on my core i3) Oscar Smith’s way is faster.

Since I hope that the hardware and Julia will progress, I consider the result achieved and fulfill the request of Oscar Smith by making a PR as best I can.

Let’s skip the reasons of “bool ^ float” witch are different for everyone,
and if we are here and I understood everything correctly with my english and google-translate… Ready? Go!

                             Fast "bool ^ float" PR

Are you going to rased stupid bool to the power of insidious float? But can’t sit still while a logical one is raised to the power of negative zero? I really understand you…

Take this!

pow_fast(x::Bool, y::T) where T <: AbstractFloat = ifelse(x | iszero(y), T(1) , ifelse(isnan(y), T(NaN), ifelse(signbit(y), T(Inf), T(0))));
pow_fast(x::Bool, y::BigFloat) = big(ifelse(x | iszero(y), 1.0 , ifelse(isnan(y), NaN, ifelse(signbit(y), Inf, 0.0))));

100 (about) times faster than native! (on Ryzen 9)

“Ctrl + A + C” and it’s yours!

This hot cake mined from the permafrost and delivered across the snowy suning plain specially for you with love!

Just two line save you time!

Fast “float ^ bool” as a gift!

pow_fast(x::T, y::Bool) where T <: AbstractFloat = y ? copy(x) : T(1)
pow_fast(x::BigFloat, y::Bool) = y ? x : big(1.0)
                               Code, benchmarks, tests:

fast bool ^ float:

using BenchmarkTools, Test

pow_native(x::X, y::Y) where {X,Y} = x ^ y

# by Oscar Smith, faster on intel core i3 in some tests
function pow_fast_1(x::Bool, y::T) where T <: AbstractFloat
    ifelse(x | iszero(y),  one(T), abs(y) * T(Inf) * (!(y>0)))

# my last way (pow_fast), faster on Ryzen 9   
pow_fast_2(x::Bool, y::T) where T <: AbstractFloat = ifelse(x | iszero(y), T(1) , ifelse(isnan(y), T(NaN), ifelse(signbit(y), T(Inf), T(0))));
pow_fast_2(x::Bool, y::BigFloat) = big(ifelse(x | iszero(y), 1.0 , ifelse(isnan(y), NaN, ifelse(signbit(y), Inf, 0.0))));

# test data
function get_test_data(::Type{T}) where T <: AbstractFloat
	n = 10000
	m = n ÷ 100  # for special values of the same type NaN, -Inf ...
	r = zeros(T, n)  # for result
	x = rand(Bool, n)
	y = (T <: BigFloat ? big.(randn(Float64, n)) : randn(T, n)) .^ 111
	y[rand(1:n, m)] .= T(NaN)
	y[rand(1:n, m)] .= -T(Inf)
	y[rand(1:n, m)] .= T(Inf)
	y[rand(1:n, m)] .= nextfloat(-T(Inf))
	y[rand(1:n, m)] .= prevfloat(T(Inf))
	y[rand(1:n, m)] .= T(0)
	y[rand(1:n, m)] .= -T(0)
	return n, r, x, y

@testset verbose = true "fast `bool ^ float`" begin
	for Flt in subtypes(AbstractFloat)
		@testset verbose = true " $Flt" begin
			n, r, x, y = get_test_data(Flt)
			for pow_fast in (pow_fast_1, pow_fast_2)
				@testset "$pow_fast" begin 
					for i = 1 : n
						r_native = pow_native(x[i],y[i])
						r_fast = pow_fast(x[i],y[i])

						# big(1.0) !== big(1.0), NaN != NaN
						@test r_native == r_fast ? true :  
							isnan(r_native) & isnan(r_fast) ? true : false

# benchmarks
f!(f,r,x,y,n) = for i = 1 : n
    r[i] = f(x[i], y[i])

for Flt in subtypes(AbstractFloat)
	n, r, x, y = get_test_data(Flt)
	for pow in (pow_native, pow_fast_1, pow_fast_2)
		println(" $pow")
		@btime f!($pow,$r,$x,$y,$n) 

fast float ^ bool:

using BenchmarkTools, Test

pow_native(x::X, y::Y) where {X,Y} = x ^ y

# NOTE pow_fast(x::T, y::Bool) do not translate -0.0 -> 0.0
# pow_native(-0.0, true) ->  0.0
# pow_fast(-0.0, true)   -> -0.0
pow_fast(x::T, y::Bool) where T <: AbstractFloat = y ? copy(x) : T(1)
pow_fast(x::BigFloat, y::Bool) = y ? x : big(1.0)

# test data
function get_test_data(::Type{T}) where T <: AbstractFloat
	n = 100000
	m = n ÷ 100  # for special values of the same type NaN, -Inf ...
	r = zeros(T, n)  # for result
	x = (T <: BigFloat ? big.(randn(Float64, n)) : randn(T, n)) .^ 111
	y = rand(Bool, n)
	x[rand(1:n, m)] .= T(NaN)
	x[rand(1:n, m)] .= -T(Inf)
	x[rand(1:n, m)] .= T(Inf)
	x[rand(1:n, m)] .= nextfloat(-T(Inf))
	x[rand(1:n, m)] .= prevfloat(T(Inf))
	x[rand(1:n, m)] .= T(0)
	x[rand(1:n, m)] .= -T(0)
	return n, r, x, y

@testset verbose = true "fast `float ^ bool`" begin
	for Flt in subtypes(AbstractFloat)
		@testset verbose = true " $Flt" begin
			n, r, x, y = get_test_data(Flt)
			for pow_fast in (pow_fast,)
				@testset "$pow_fast" begin 
					for i = 1 : n
						r_native = pow_native(x[i],y[i])
						r_fast = pow_fast(x[i],y[i])

						# big(1.0) !== big(1.0), NaN != NaN
						@test r_native == r_fast ? true :  
							isnan(r_native) & isnan(r_fast) ? true : false

# benchmarks
f!(f,r,x,y,n) = for i = 1 : n
    r[i] = f(x[i], y[i])

for Flt in subtypes(AbstractFloat)
	n, r, x, y = get_test_data(Flt)
	for pow in (pow_native, pow_fast)
		println(" $pow")
		@btime f!($pow,$r,$x,$y,$n)


CPU is Intel i5:

For bool ^ float:
pow_fast_2 faster (1.5x) than pow_fast_1 on BigFloat and Float16.
pow_fast_2 same (0.95x) as pow_fast_1 on Float32 and Float64.

For float ^ bool:
pow_fast same (1.1x) as pow_native on BigFloat
pow_fast is faster (2x) than pow_native on Float16
pow_fast is seriously faster (>20x) than pow_native on Float32 and Float64.


CPU is Ryzen 9:

bool^float benchmarks:

 pow_native:   1.123 ms (40000 allocations: 1.98 MiB)
 pow_fast_1:   4.410 ms (179814 allocations: 7.09 MiB)
 pow_fast_2: 812.800 μs (20000 allocations: 1015.62 KiB)
 pow_native: 194.700 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_fast_1:  14.500 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_fast_2:  14.400 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_native: 252.300 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_fast_1:   3.388 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_fast_2:   1.490 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_native: 261.800 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_fast_1:   3.513 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_fast_2:   3.312 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

float^bool benchmarks:
 pow_native:   6.714 ms (200000 allocations: 9.92 MiB)
 pow_fast:     5.232 ms (99770 allocations: 4.95 MiB)
 pow_native: 507.300 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_fast:   320.100 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_native: 495.600 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_fast:     7.875 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_native: 500.700 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
 pow_fast:    16.000 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Making a PR (= Pull request) may sound intimidating. But actually, it is not hard and a very useful skill. If you already know how to use git, it is no harder than posting on this forum.
The “hardest” part will be building julia, which at least on a linux computer is also straightforward.

more long & more faster:

pow_fast(x::Bool, y::T) where T <: AbstractFloat = x ? one(T) : ifelse(iszero(y), one(T), ifelse(isnan(y), T(NaN), ifelse(signbit(y), T(Inf), zero(T))));
pow_fast(x::Bool, y::BigFloat) = x ? big(1.0) : big(ifelse(iszero(y), 1.0 , ifelse(isnan(y), NaN, ifelse(signbit(y), Inf, 0.0))));

pow_fast(x::T, y::Bool) where T <: AbstractFloat = y ? x : one(T);
pow_fast(x::BigFloat, y::Bool) = y ? x : big(1.0);  # only big(1.0), not one(x), not BigFloat(1), not one(T)
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