Fast 4D argmax

That all sounds awesome! To give you my perspective on how I’d like to use JuliaCall → I’m fluent enough in R to be effective at getting my work tasks done quickly and dabble with making packages etc (nothing released yet), I expect it would take me a while to get to that level in Julia. But I would like to splash in snippets of Julia here and there were R is particularly slow, as opposed to writing large functions outright. I know many people use Rcpp in this way, but I’ve always found C++ to be utterly impenetrable for me. Learning Julia seems more achievable for me! So from that point of view, achieving blistering speed via a julia_unsafe_call for short functions sounds very appealing, but, I do understand why its something you need to think carefully about also! In any case JuliaCall is already an awesome package - thank you!

I must say, the response to my query here has been great and I’m blown away at all the options presented, and speeds that can be achieved - thank you all for the time you have put into this!