Fast LogSumExp over 4th dimension

No no don’t be fooled… I just happen to know from before about einstein summation notation, and as Tullio uses it that makes Tullio a bit easier to pick up for me… otherwise I have no clue what I’m doing :sweat_smile:
So I think I’ll link to myself in another thread here to answer as to my motivation with Julia: Fast 4D argmax - #26 by jroon Short version - little time for wholesale conversions but I’m willing to dabble and Rcpp is beyond me. I think if you want to convert users to Julia from R, you aren’t competing with the tidyerse, you are competing with Rcpp, because speeding up particularly slow chunks of code is usually why R users turn to another language.

My R version is not a single vectorised function though, its a short 7 line function. I had alot of success replacing another short R function with Julia before with much help from kind folks in this thread: Fast 4D argmax - #22 by jroon