Errors using JuMP with Ipopt or HiGHS: UndefVarError: libipopt not defined and UndefVarError: libhighs not defined

I have Ipopt, OSQPand HiGHS installed. In Jupiter, when running the following script,

n = size(Sigma,1) # Sigma is a 30x30 covariance matrix
m = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
@variable(m, w[1:n])
@objective(m, Min, w' * Sigma * w)
@constraint(m, sum(w) == 1)
@constraint(m, w .>= 0)

I get the following error:

UndefVarError: libipopt not defined

Stacktrace: [1] createProblem(n::Int64, x_L::Vector{Float64}, x_U::Vector{Float64}, m::Int64, g_L::Vector{Float64}, g_U::Vector{Float64}, nele_jac::Int64, nele_hess::Int64, eval_f::Ipopt.var"#eval_f_cb#44"{Ipopt.Optimizer}, eval_g::Ipopt.var"#eval_g_cb#46"{Ipopt.Optimizer}, eval_grad_f::Ipopt.var"#eval_grad_f_cb#45"{Ipopt.Optimizer}, eval_jac_g::Ipopt.var"#eval_jac_g_cb#47"{Ipopt.Optimizer, Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}}, eval_h::Ipopt.var"#eval_h_cb#48"{Ipopt.Optimizer, Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}}) @ Ipopt ~/.julia/packages/Ipopt/vtrOr/src/Ipopt.jl:320 [2] optimize!(model::Ipopt.Optimizer) @ Ipopt ~/.julia/packages/Ipopt/vtrOr/src/MOI_wrapper.jl:1616 [3] optimize!(b::MathOptInterface.Bridges.LazyBridgeOptimizer{Ipopt.Optimizer}) @ MathOptInterface.Bridges ~/.julia/packages/MathOptInterface/YDdD3/src/Bridges/bridge_optimizer.jl:319 [4] optimize!(m::MathOptInterface.Utilities.CachingOptimizer{MathOptInterface.AbstractOptimizer, MathOptInterface.Utilities.UniversalFallback{MathOptInterface.Utilities.GenericModel{Float64, MathOptInterface.Utilities.ModelFunctionConstraints{Float64}}}}) @ MathOptInterface.Utilities ~/.julia/packages/MathOptInterface/YDdD3/src/Utilities/cachingoptimizer.jl:252 [5] optimize!(model::Model, optimizer_factory::Nothing; bridge_constraints::Bool, ignore_optimize_hook::Bool, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}}) @ JuMP ~/.julia/packages/JuMP/e0Uc2/src/optimizer_interface.jl:130 [6] optimize! (repeats 2 times) @ ~/.julia/packages/JuMP/e0Uc2/src/optimizer_interface.jl:106 [inlined] [7] top-level scope @ In[50]:7 [8] eval @ ./boot.jl:373 [inlined] [9] include_string(mapexpr::typeof(REPL.softscope), mod::Module, code::String, filename::String) @ Base ./loading.jl:1196

Replacing m = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer) with m = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer) one gets the similar error: UndefVarError: libhighs not defined. However m = Model(OSQP.Optimizer) runs and computes the optimal weights w.

My list of packages is the following:
[9961bab8] Cbc v0.8.1
[a93c6f00] DataFrames v1.3.2
[31c24e10] Distributions v0.23.8
[87dc4568] HiGHS v0.2.3
[b6b21f68] Ipopt v0.7.0
[4076af6c] JuMP v0.21.4
[76087f3c] NLopt v0.6.3
[ab2f91bb] OSQP v0.6.1
[429524aa] Optim v1.6.2
[f3b207a7] StatsPlots v0.14.30

I am wondering if I am doing something wrong… Thanks in advance!

Is this on an M1 Mac? Please update to the latest versions of each package.


Yes, it is on an M1 Mac. Indeed, updating solved the problem. Thank you!

I am facing the same issue with Ipopt and Highs, updating the packages is also not resolving the issue.
I am wondering if I am doing something wrong… Thanks in advance!

Hi @Aakriti_Rohatgi, please start a new post, and provide the output of versioninfo() and import Pkg; Pkg.status().

If I have to guess, you probably have a large number of packages in the global environment. Try following the example here to create a new environment: