Error: curl_easy_setopt: 48

When I try to install a package on my personal computer, where I have v1.7.3, everything is fine.
When I try it in our cluster for v1.7.3, I get the below error. This is the case for even older versions (v1.3, v1.5), which used to work just fine.

On my personal computer I have curl version 7.92 and on the cluster it is a rather old version, 7.72.
I went through the Julia code, and it seemed to me that it requires curl >7.84.

Could the reason for the below error be that the package manager require curl >7.84?

Installing known registries into `~/.julia`
┌ Error: curl_easy_setopt: 48
└ @ Downloads.Curl /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Downloads/src/Curl/utils.jl:29
┌ Error: curl_easy_setopt: 48
└ @ Downloads.Curl /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Downloads/src/Curl/utils.jl:29
┌ Error: curl_easy_setopt: 48
└ @ Downloads.Curl /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Downloads/src/Curl/utils.jl:29
Unhandled Task ERROR: IOError: FDWatcher: bad file descriptor (EBADF)


Julia bundles it’s own copy of curl, but I think it could be the cluster is configured to use system curl instead. There’s some discussion in this issue: Error: curl_easy_setopt: 48 · Issue #149 · JuliaLang/Downloads.jl · GitHub

Thank you!
By checking the link, I could get rid of Error 48. But still have others.
Better to pass the task over our system admin I think :slight_smile:

(@v1.7) pkg> st
  Installing known registries into `~/.julia`
Unhandled Task ERROR: IOError: FDWatcher: bad file descriptor (EBADF)
 [1] try_yieldto(undo::typeof(Base.ensure_rescheduled))
   @ Base ./task.jl:812
 [2] wait()
   @ Base ./task.jl:872
 [3] wait(c::Base.GenericCondition{Base.Threads.SpinLock})
   @ Base ./condition.jl:123
 [4] wait(fdw::FileWatching._FDWatcher; readable::Bool, writable::Bool)
   @ FileWatching /opt/julia-1.7.3/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/FileWatching/src/FileWatching.jl:533
 [5] wait
   @ /opt/julia-1.7.3/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/FileWatching/src/FileWatching.jl:504 [inlined]
 [6] macro expansion
   @ /opt/julia-1.7.3/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Downloads/src/Curl/Multi.jl:166 [inlined]
 [7] (::Downloads.Curl.var"#40#46"{Int32, FileWatching.FDWatcher, Downloads.Curl.Multi})()
   @ Downloads.Curl ./task.jl:429