I’m wondering if there is any Julia eigensolver specialized for complex companion matrices of moderate size, say up to 30x30.
I’m wondering if there is any Julia eigensolver specialized for complex companion matrices of moderate size, say up to 30x30.
It would be helpful if you defined what you mean by ‘companion matrices’. Is this what you’re referring to?
Have you looked at
Yes, here is it for clarity:
where c_i \in \mathbb{C}^n
Thanks for the link Sheehan. If this package supports trigonometric polynomials that’s exactly what I’m looking for.
Here’s a toy implementation:
using LinearAlgebra, Polynomials
struct CompanionMatrix{T} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
function CompanionMatrix(p::Poly{T}) where {T}
@assert (coeffs(p))[end] ≈ one(T)
function Base.size(cm::CompanionMatrix)
L = length(coeffs(cm.p)) - 1
(L, L)
Base.size(cm::CompanionMatrix, i::Integer) = size(cm)[i]
function Base.length(cm::CompanionMatrix)
(length(coeffs(cm.p)) - 1)^2
function Base.getindex(cm::CompanionMatrix{T}, i::Integer, j::Integer) where {T}
if i == j + 1
elseif j == size(cm, 1)
function LinearAlgebra.eigvals(cm::CompanionMatrix)
now at the REPL
julia> cm = CompanionMatrix(Poly([1,2,3,4,5,1]))
5×5 CompanionMatrix{Int64}:
0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 2
0 1 0 0 3
0 0 1 0 4
0 0 0 1 5
julia> eigvals(cm)
5-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
-4.192725723692124 + 0.0im
-0.5640990957045247 - 0.3909026378974719im
-0.5640990957045247 + 0.3909026378974719im
0.1604619575505869 - 0.6932715588679903im
0.1604619575505869 + 0.6932715588679903im
and as @dlfivefifty suggests, using FastPolynomialRoots.jl would be advisable as this doesn’t seem to be any faster than using eigvals
on collect(cm)
for the sizes you care about.
I don’t understand why you say trigonometric polynomials. The eigenvalues of a companion matrix are precisely the roots of a polynomial.
I believe FastPolynomialRoots.jl uses the AMVW algorithm, which is based on orthogonal conjugation of companion matrices.
Alternatively, you can just use a Hessenberg matrix and the relevant LAPACK routine, see
This may be faster at smaller dimensions (the complexity is worse than AMVW though).
It may be appropriate to add any of the implementations suggested by @dlfivefifty and @Mason to Companion
in SpecialMatrices.jl.
I’m not sure if anything I wrote above is worth contributing to SpecialMatrices.jl, but I hereby give permission to anyone to use any of the code I wrote above in this thread for whatever purpose they desire with no obligation to credit me. I offer no warranty, guarantee or recourse that I didn’t do something stupid or wrong.
I see your point, I just mentioned “trigonometric” polynomials since that’s the kind of polynomials I’m working with.