I know this question is not very specific, but I would like to check whether there are existing approaches for simulating coupled ODEs on nodes of (arbitrarily large) graphs/networks with diffusion between the nodes. Looking into the documentation of the main packages related to solving such problems (Catalyst.jl, JumpProcesses.jl and DifferentialEquations.jl), I found a few prospects for solving such systems.
The main prospect that has explicit documentation on spatial processes on graphs using Graphs.jl is JumpProcesses
: Spatial SSAs with JumpProcesses.jl · JumpProcesses.jl. I have no reason to believe that the implementation is well-rounded and efficient and would for sure suit much of my needs. However, it remains a stochastic simulation algorithm and does not provide deterministic solutions to the system of equations, correct?
Further, in the documentation of Catalyst.jl
I noticed that one can introduce spatial variables using the @ivs
macro (as seen here), but the documentation does not mention the introduction spatial variables as nodes on a graph. Of course I could just define a flattened version using the ReactionNetwork
function, e.g. something like:
function generate_rs(S::Int, G::SimpleGraph)
M = size(G)[begin]
@variables t
@parameters r[1:S], hop_rate[1:M,1:M]
@species (x(t))[1:S,1:M]
adj = Graphs.LinAlg.adjacency_matrix(G)
growth_rxs = []
hop_rxs = []
for m in 1:M
for n in 1:M, i in 1:S
# Hops between nodes
if adj[m,n] != 0
_hop_rxn = Reaction(hop_rate[m,n], [x[i,m]], [x[i,n]], [1], [1])
push!(hop_rxs, _hop_rxn)
for i in 1:S
# Reaction on node
_growth_rxn = Reaction(r[i], [x[i,m]], [x[i,m]], [1], [2])
push!(growth_rxs, _growth_rxn)
return @named rs = ReactionSystem(vcat(growth_rxs, hop_rxs))
Which appears to create the equations that I am after. However some piece of text in the documentation of JumpProcesses.jl
warns me about this:
Additionally, all standard solvers are supported as well, although they are expected to use more memory and be slower. They “flatten” the problem, i.e., turn all hops into reactions, resulting in a much larger system.
This can create issues for me down the line as my systems of interest are relatively large. Does creating an ODEProblem
with such a structure result in fast and (memory) efficient solutions to the ODE, even when the number of species and the size of the graph greatly increase? Or is there perhaps another way one can define spatial ODEs on graphs/networks?
Thank you for any insight on this topic you can give me.