Efficiency of parsing ASCII vs. Unicode

What about performance implications for parsing ASCII text files? Consider the following function which checks if a file has an equal number of left brackets and right brackets:

function file_has_balanced_brackets(file)
    s = read(file, String)
    counter = 0
    for c in s
        if c == '('
            counter += 1
        elseif c == ')'
            counter -= 1
    return (counter == 0)

Since characters in Julia have 4-byte sizes, rather than 1 byte for ASCII, is there a performance penalty for the code above?

ASCII characters are only 1 byte in UTF-8.

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See this:

julia> sizeof('a')

julia> sizeof(UInt8('a'))

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™m losing performance by using Char literals like 'a', rather than e.g. the more verbose UInt8('a') when parsing ASCII files.

Ah sorry I misunderstood. I donā€™t think working with 32-bit values is typically slower than 8-bit on common architectures but certainly in some contexts it must be less efficientā€¦ But the penalty will probably be with the string type (UTF-8) rather than the character type, for example length(str) is inefficient. In Julia if thatā€™s a problem and you know you donā€™t need UTF-8, you can easily use another string type from LegacyStrings.jl.

High-performance parsers like CSV.jl often work with bytes (ā€œcode unitsā€ of strings) rather than decoding into Unicode characters, and similarly high-performance string processing often works with codeunits(str). Functions like findnext also have special optimizations when searching for a Char in a String that convert it to a raw byte first. The UTF-8 representation allows you to work with bytes efficiently for searching/matching operations.


Just to expand on @stevengjā€™s excellent answer @greatpet, thereā€™s a difference between characters on their own, and characters in a string. So even though 'a' takes up 8 bytes, the string "abcdefgh" also only stores 8 bytes because of the encoding strategy thatā€™s standard for working with unicode text.

That is, an ascii character only takes up one byte when it is a part of a string.

Hereā€™s a demo:

julia> sizeof(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'])


julia> sizeof("abcdefgh")

Now it is however true that working with strings statically known to be pure ASCII can still have performance benefits because thereā€™s less branching and indirection in how itā€™s dealt with, but itā€™s memory footprint is actually not one of the differences.

For many operations, it doesnā€™t matter whether they are pure ASCII. Suppose that you have the string s = "šŸ» + (šŸØ + šŸ¼)" and you want to find the character '(' = U+0028. Then you can search the bytes, given by codeunits(s), for the byte 0x28:

julia> codeunits(s)
20-element Base.CodeUnits{UInt8, String}:

julia> findfirst(==(0x28), codeunits(s))

In fact, this is what findfirst(==('('), s) does internally.

The point is that when you are parsing files, you are mostly looking for either ASCII characters like ',' or '\n', in which case you can search bytes, or for substrings, in which case you can also look for substrings of bytes. You rarely need to decode things into Unicode characters for many common file formats.

Yes, of course, but thereā€™s still circumstances where parsing pure ascii strings can be faster than parsing full on UTF-8 strings from what I understand.

But yes, I agree that typically there is not a significant different, especially not one we should care about when talking about the parsing performance of julia.

From what I understand, the difference between pure ASCII and general unicode strings ends up being more of a problem for quasi-numerical things like when bioinformatics people use them to encode DNA sequences (but of course in that circumstance youā€™re typically better off using a more specialized encoding than ASCII)

As I donā€™t remember the ASCII coding by heart, I wish ā€œChar macrosā€ existed in a way similar to string macros, so I could write this instead:

findfirst(==(uint8'('), codeunits(s))

Currently I would write

findfirst(==(UInt8('(')), codeunits(s))

knowing that the compiler will carry out the trivial constant folding. This unfortunately make the code a little more verbose, as the UInt8 conversion appears everywhere in my source file.

Another minor inconvenience is that the Base functions for classifying characters, such as isspace and isletter, only accept Char but not UInt8 arguments, so I have to cook up my own versions like this one:

function isspace_uint8(c::UInt8)
    c in (UInt8('\t'), UInt8('\n'), UInt8('\v'), UInt8('\f'), UInt8('\r'), UInt8(' '))

Alternatively, I could define

isspace_uint8(c::UInt8) = isspace(Char(c))

but this doesnā€™t seem ideal for performance.

Yes, that has been raised before. Unfortunately itā€™s not possible with ' syntax because of the way x'y' bar is parsed as x' * y'. This was discussed in custom character literal macros? Ā· Issue #26305 Ā· JuliaLang/julia Ā· GitHub

However, itā€™s perfectly possible to define a string macro that returns a UInt8. For example JuliaSyntax.jl defines a macro u8_str do precisely this: u8"x" returns UInt8('x').

One possibility that has come up from time to time is having a new ASCIIChar subtype of AbstractChar that allows you to introduce new methods that dispatch on this.


This sounds like an argument for short variable namesšŸ˜‰

In this context, at least, Ī± beats alpha.

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