EEG.jl -> Present and Future

Hi everyone,

I’m the author of the eeg.jl library. It hasn’t had much love from me lately. I don’t think I got around to upgrading it to work with Julia 1. I would gladly welcome any PRs to update it.

As a general suggestion I would recommend asking these types of question directly in a repository in addition to this forum. I only stumbled on the conversation by chance, whereas GitHub would send me a notification.

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Just to start things out I made a GitHub organization: and a website:

I have a couple grants/papers I’m trying to finish up right now, so I haven’t had much time to think about this. But we should definitely meet at some point here and keep this conversation going.

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Is there any update on this?

Ok, big news! The EEG.jl library is now working with Julia 1.6. I have also enabled the documentation building and automated continuous integration tests using GitHub Actions. I will be making steady changes over the coming weeks to revitalise this package. First and foremost, I will document the current functionality of the package, and highlight in issues any known shortcomings. Then, I have many ideas for improvements (a lot has changed since this package was started with Julia 0.1). Any PRs are welcome


Big big news !!

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