Edit an externally hosted standard library

Most packages can be edited with ]dev DataFrames. Code in Julia’s Base and internal stdlibs (those hosted in GitHub - JuliaLang/julia: The Julia Programming Language) can be edited by cloning Julia and using Revise.track(Base) or Revise.track(Dates). What is a good workflow for testing my changes to SparseArrays (hosted at GitHub - JuliaSparse/SparseArrays.jl: SparseArrays.jl is a Julia stdlib) locally before making a PR?

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See also: Editing a package in stdlib


See e.g. Pkg.jl/README.md at master · JuliaLang/Pkg.jl · GitHub


Would it be possible to make ]dev SparseArrays carry out those steps for me?

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Related, I wanted to apply a particular patch in SparseArrays before it was introduced in the beta version of Julia. I was able to achieve what I wanted by modifying the commit hash of the SparseArrays patch in julia/stdlib/SparseArrays.version. For detailed step-by-step instructions, see Huge v1.8 regression in sparse matrix division with diagonal matrix · Issue #290 · JuliaSparse/SparseArrays.jl · GitHub.

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