I ran the example1pf.mod from Dynare.jl on GitHub. I know output is stored in the .jld2 file in the “output” folder. But how do I actually access the solution to endogenous variables so that I can use them, e.g. plotting their time series? Many thanks!
There exist the following undocumented accessor functions:
- simulation(): returns a vector of simulation results
- simulation(1): returns the first simulation in a TimeDataFrame
- simulation(:Y): returns the simulated trajectory for variable Y
- simulation((:Y, :X))+ returns a TimeDataFrame with the simulated trajectory for variables Y and X
- irfs()+ returns a dictionary with an entry for each exogenous variable
- irfs(:e)+ returns a TimeDataFrame with IRFs for shock on variable e
- irfs(:e, :Y)+ returns a TimeDataFrame with IRFs for shock on variable e for endogenous variable Y
- irfs(:e, (:X, :Y))+ returns a TimeDataFrame with IRFs for shock on variable e for endogenous variable X and Y
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Many many many thanks!!!