Problem: On Windows Julia and JuliaPro relies on powershell to download sources or binaries but powershell is not proxy aware per default
Scroll down to go directly to a possible solution.
Downloaded JuliaPro Current Stable Release (1.2.0-1) for Windows.
Installed with unchanged default settings on Windows 10 64Bit with non admin user account and network behind proxy.
Clicking on the Julia 1.2.0-1 icon on the desktop opens the IDE (atom).
Entered the REPL inside this IDE.
v1.2) pkg> add Plots
Updating registry at `C:\Users\oheil\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.2.0-1\registries\JuliaPro`
[ Info: Please Authenticate..
in between authenticated via GitHub, successfull.
Expected error output
+ Warning: IOError(Base.IOError("connect: connection timed out (ETIMEDOUT)", -4039) during request(
+ @ Pkg.Operations C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\Pkg\src\Operations.jl:485
Updating git-repo ``
Resolving package versions...
ERROR: Error when installing package Plots:
IOError(Base.IOError("connect: connection timed out (ETIMEDOUT)", -4039) during request(
[1] try_yieldto(::typeof(Base.ensure_rescheduled), ::Base.RefValue{Task}) at .\task.jl:517
[2] wait() at .\task.jl:592
[3] wait(::Base.GenericCondition{Base.Threads.SpinLock}) at .\condition.jl:104
[4] stream_wait(::Sockets.TCPSocket, ::Base.GenericCondition{Base.Threads.SpinLock}) at .\stream.jl:47
[5] wait_connected(::Sockets.TCPSocket) at .\stream.jl:332
[6] connect at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\Sockets\src\Sockets.jl:470 [inlined]
[7] connect(::Sockets.IPv4, ::UInt64) at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\Sockets\src\Sockets.jl:454
[8] #getconnection#14(::Bool, ::Int64, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Symbol,Any,Tuple{Symbol,Symbol},NamedTuple{(:require_ssl_verification, :iofunction),Tuple{Bool,getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String}}}}, ::typeof(HTTP.ConnectionPool.getconnection), ::Type{Sockets.TCPSocket}, ::SubString{String}, ::String) at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\HTTP\src\ConnectionPool.jl:566
[9] #getconnection#11(::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Bool, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Symbol,getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String},Tuple{Symbol},NamedTuple{(:iofunction,),Tuple{getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String}}}}, ::typeof(HTTP.ConnectionPool.getconnection), ::Type{HTTP.ConnectionPool.Transaction{MbedTLS.SSLContext}}, ::SubString{String}, ::SubString{String}) at .\none:0
[10] (::getfield(HTTP.ConnectionPool, Symbol("#kw##getconnection")))(::NamedTuple{(:reuse_limit, :iofunction),Tuple{Int64,getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String}}}, ::typeof(HTTP.ConnectionPool.getconnection), ::Type{HTTP.ConnectionPool.Transaction{MbedTLS.SSLContext}}, ::SubString{String}, ::SubString{String}) at .\none:0
[11] #request#1(::Nothing, ::Type, ::Int64, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Symbol,getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String},Tuple{Symbol},NamedTuple{(:iofunction,),Tuple{getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String}}}}, ::typeof(HTTP.request), ::Type{HTTP.ConnectionRequest.ConnectionPoolLayer{HTTP.StreamRequest.StreamLayer}}, ::HTTP.URIs.URI, ::HTTP.Messages.Request, ::Nothing) at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\HTTP\src\ConnectionRequest.jl:41
[12] (::getfield(HTTP, Symbol("#kw##request")))(::NamedTuple{(:iofunction,),Tuple{getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String}}}, ::typeof(HTTP.request), ::Type{HTTP.ExceptionRequest.ExceptionLayer{HTTP.ConnectionRequest.ConnectionPoolLayer{HTTP.StreamRequest.StreamLayer}}}, ::HTTP.URIs.URI, ::HTTP.Messages.Request, ::Nothing) at .\none:0
[13] (::getfield(Base, Symbol("###50#51#53")){ExponentialBackOff,getfield(HTTP.RetryRequest, Symbol("##2#3")){Bool,HTTP.Messages.Request},typeof(HTTP.request)})(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Symbol,getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String},Tuple{Symbol},NamedTuple{(:iofunction,),Tuple{getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String}}}}, ::getfield(Base, Symbol("##50#52")){getfield(Base, Symbol("###50#51#53")){ExponentialBackOff,getfield(HTTP.RetryRequest, Symbol("##2#3")){Bool,HTTP.Messages.Request},typeof(HTTP.request)}}, ::Type, ::Vararg{Any,N} where N) at .\error.jl:262
[14] ##50#52 at .\none:0 [inlined]
[15] #request#1 at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\HTTP\src\RetryRequest.jl:44 [inlined]
[16] (::getfield(HTTP, Symbol("#kw##request")))(::NamedTuple{(:iofunction,),Tuple{getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String}}}, ::typeof(HTTP.request), ::Type{HTTP.RetryRequest.RetryLayer{HTTP.ExceptionRequest.ExceptionLayer{HTTP.ConnectionRequest.ConnectionPoolLayer{HTTP.StreamRequest.StreamLayer}}}}, ::HTTP.URIs.URI, ::HTTP.Messages.Request, ::Nothing) at .\none:0
[17] #request#1(::VersionNumber, ::String, ::Nothing, ::Function, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(HTTP.request), ::Type{HTTP.MessageRequest.MessageLayer{HTTP.RetryRequest.RetryLayer{HTTP.ExceptionRequest.ExceptionLayer{HTTP.ConnectionRequest.ConnectionPoolLayer{HTTP.StreamRequest.StreamLayer}}}}}, ::String, ::HTTP.URIs.URI, ::Array{Pair{SubString{String},SubString{String}},1}, ::Nothing) at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\HTTP\src\MessageRequest.jl:47
[18] (::getfield(HTTP, Symbol("#kw##request")))(::NamedTuple{(:iofunction,),Tuple{getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String}}}, ::typeof(HTTP.request), ::Type{HTTP.MessageRequest.MessageLayer{HTTP.RetryRequest.RetryLayer{HTTP.ExceptionRequest.ExceptionLayer{HTTP.ConnectionRequest.ConnectionPoolLayer{HTTP.StreamRequest.StreamLayer}}}}}, ::String, ::HTTP.URIs.URI, ::Array{Pair{SubString{String},SubString{String}},1}, ::Nothing) at .\none:0
[19] #request#1(::Int64, ::Bool, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Symbol,getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String},Tuple{Symbol},NamedTuple{(:iofunction,),Tuple{getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String}}}}, ::typeof(HTTP.request), ::Type{HTTP.RedirectRequest.RedirectLayer{HTTP.MessageRequest.MessageLayer{HTTP.RetryRequest.RetryLayer{HTTP.ExceptionRequest.ExceptionLayer{HTTP.ConnectionRequest.ConnectionPoolLayer{HTTP.StreamRequest.StreamLayer}}}}}}, ::String, ::HTTP.URIs.URI, ::Array{Pair{SubString{String},SubString{String}},1}, ::Nothing) at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\HTTP\src\RedirectRequest.jl:24
[20] (::getfield(HTTP, Symbol("#kw##request")))(::NamedTuple{(:iofunction,),Tuple{getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String}}}, ::typeof(HTTP.request), ::Type{HTTP.RedirectRequest.RedirectLayer{HTTP.MessageRequest.MessageLayer{HTTP.RetryRequest.RetryLayer{HTTP.ExceptionRequest.ExceptionLayer{HTTP.ConnectionRequest.ConnectionPoolLayer{HTTP.StreamRequest.StreamLayer}}}}}}, ::String, ::HTTP.URIs.URI, ::Array{Pair{SubString{String},SubString{String}},1}, ::Nothing) at .\none:0
[21] #request#5(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Symbol,getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String},Tuple{Symbol},NamedTuple{(:iofunction,),Tuple{getfield(CredentialsHandler, Symbol("##1#3")){String}}}}, ::typeof(HTTP.request), ::String, ::HTTP.URIs.URI, ::Array{Pair{SubString{String},SubString{String}},1}, ::Nothing) at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\HTTP\src\HTTP.jl:300
[22] #request at .\none:0 [inlined]
[23] #request#6 at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\HTTP\src\HTTP.jl:314 [inlined]
[24] #request at .\none:0 [inlined]
[25] #open#7 at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\HTTP\src\HTTP.jl:339 [inlined]
[26] open at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\HTTP\src\HTTP.jl:339 [inlined]
[27] download at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\CredentialsHandler\src\CredentialsHandler.jl:89 [inlined] (repeats 2 times)
[28] (::getfield(BinaryProvider.JuliaTeam, Symbol("##1#2")){getfield(BinaryProvider, Symbol("##51#76")){getfield(BinaryProvider, Symbol("##46#71")){Cmd,String}}})(::String, ::String)
at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\BinaryProvider\src\JuliaTeam.jl:18
[29] #download#97(::Bool, ::typeof(, ::String, ::String) at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\BinaryProvider\src\PlatformEngines.jl:494
[30] download at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\BinaryProvider\src\PlatformEngines.jl:493 [inlined]
[31] install_archive(::Array{String,1}, ::Base.SHA1, ::Base.UUID, ::String) at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\Pkg\src\Operations.jl:517
[32] macro expansion at C:\Users\julia\AppData\Local\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\Pkg\src\Operations.jl:659 [inlined]
[33] (::getfield(Pkg.Operations, Symbol("##26#29")){Symbol,Pkg.Types.Context,Dict{Base.UUID,Base.SHA1},Dict{Base.UUID,Array{String,1}},Channel{Any},Channel{Any}})() at .\task.jl:268
(v1.2) pkg>
These environment settings have been present:
julia> ENV["HTTP_PROXY"]
Running the recommended git commands above in the Julia REPL, e.g.
run(`git config --global http.proxy `http://XX:3128`)
is problematic, because JuliaPro brings its own git installation with a quite cryptic path, so above command should be in my JuliaPro installation:
julia> run(`C:\\Users\\oheil\\AppData\\Local\\JuliaPro-1.2.0-1\\app-1.40.1\\resources\\app.asar.unpacked\\node_modules\\dugite\\git\\mingw64\\bin\\git config --global http.proxy "http://our-proxy-host:3128"`)
julia> run(`C:\\Users\\oheil\\AppData\\Local\\JuliaPro-1.2.0-1\\app-1.40.1\\resources\\app.asar.unpacked\\node_modules\\dugite\\git\\mingw64\\bin\\git config --global https.proxy "http://our-proxy-host:3128"`)
run(`C:\\Users\\oheil\\AppData\\Local\\JuliaPro-1.2.0-1\\app-1.40.1\\resources\\app.asar.unpacked\\node_modules\\dugite\\git\\mingw64\\bin\\git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://`)
You have to change the username “oheil” to your and check if the path exists in your installation.
These commands write the proper configuration lines in the .gitconfig file which is located in your home:
proxy = http://OUR-PROXY:3128
proxy = http://OUR-PROXY:3128
[url "https://"]
insteadOf = git://
So far, this is not enough to make JuliaPro aware of the proxy server.
After hours of trying and searching I probably found a workaround but for me this workaround needs local administrator rights. This may be not necessary for everybody.
In JuliaPro installing any package from the web not only uses some git api requests but also requires some downloads of binaries. This is done via module BinaryProvider (see file PlatformEngines.jl in C:\Users\oheil\AppData\Local\JuliaPro-1.2.0-1\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.2\BinaryProvider\src). The relevant code is this:
PlatformEngines.jl snippet
function probe_platform_engines!(;verbose::Bool = false)
global gen_download_cmd, gen_list_tarball_cmd, gen_package_cmd
global gen_unpack_cmd, parse_tarball_listing, gen_sh_cmd
global tempdir_symlink_creation
# First things first, determine whether tempdir() can have symlinks created
# within it. This is important for our copyderef workaround for e.g. SMBFS
if Sys.iswindows()
tempdir_symlink_creation = false
tempdir_symlink_creation = probe_symlink_creation(tempdir())
if verbose
@info("Symlinks allowed in $(tempdir()): $(tempdir_symlink_creation)")
agent = "BinaryProvider.jl ("
# download_engines is a list of (test_cmd, download_opts_functor)
# The probulator will check each of them by attempting to run `$test_cmd`,
# and if that works, will set the global download functions appropriately.
download_engines = [
(`curl --help`, (url, path) -> `curl -H "User-Agent: $agent" -C - -\# -f -o $path -L $url`),
(`wget --help`, (url, path) -> `wget --tries=5 -U $agent -c -O $path $url`),
(`fetch --help`, (url, path) -> `fetch --user-agent=$agent -f $path $url`),
(`busybox wget --help`, (url, path) -> `busybox wget -U $agent -c -O $path $url`),
# 7z is rather intensely verbose. We also want to try running not only
# `7z` but also a direct path to the `7z.exe` bundled with Julia on
# windows, so we create generator functions to spit back functors to invoke
# the correct 7z given the path to the executable:
unpack_7z = (exe7z) -> begin
return (tarball_path, out_path) ->
pipeline(`$exe7z x $(tarball_path) -y -so`,
`$exe7z x -si -y -ttar -o$(out_path)`)
package_7z = (exe7z) -> begin
return (in_path, tarball_path) ->
pipeline(`$exe7z a -ttar -so a.tar "$(joinpath(".",in_path,"*"))"`,
`$exe7z a -si $(tarball_path)`)
list_7z = (exe7z) -> begin
return (path) ->
pipeline(`$exe7z x $path -so`, `$exe7z l -ttar -y -si`)
# Tar is rather less verbose, and we don't need to search multiple places
# for it, so just rely on PATH to have `tar` available for us:
# compression_engines is a list of (test_cmd, unpack_opts_functor,
# package_opts_functor, list_opts_functor, parse_functor). The probulator
# will check each of them by attempting to run `$test_cmd`, and if that
# works, will set the global compression functions appropriately.
gen_7z = (p) -> (unpack_7z(p), package_7z(p), list_7z(p), parse_7z_list)
compression_engines = Tuple[]
for tar_cmd in [`tar`, `busybox tar`]
# Some tar's aren't smart enough to auto-guess decompression method. :(
unpack_tar = (tarball_path, out_path) -> begin
Jjz = "z"
if endswith(tarball_path, ".xz")
Jjz = "J"
elseif endswith(tarball_path, ".bz2")
Jjz = "j"
return `$tar_cmd -x$(Jjz)f $(tarball_path) --directory=$(out_path)`
package_tar = (in_path, tarball_path) ->
`$tar_cmd -czvf $tarball_path -C $(in_path) .`
list_tar = (in_path) -> `$tar_cmd -tzf $in_path`
push!(compression_engines, (
`$tar_cmd --help`,
# sh_engines is just a list of Cmds-as-paths
sh_engines = [
# For windows, we need to tweak a few things, as the tools available differ
@static if Sys.iswindows()
# For download engines, we will most likely want to use powershell.
# Let's generate a functor to return the necessary powershell magics
# to download a file, given a path to the powershell executable
psh_download = (psh_path) -> begin
return (url, path) -> begin
webclient_code = """
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol =
\$webclient = (New-Object System.Net.Webclient);
\$webclient.Headers.Add("user-agent", "$agent");
\$webclient.proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy("");
\$webclient.DownloadFile("$url", "$path")
replace(webclient_code, "\n" => " ")
return `$psh_path -NoProfile -Command "$webclient_code"`
# We want to search both the `PATH`, and the direct path for powershell
psh_path = joinpath(get(ENV, "SYSTEMROOT", "C:\\Windows"), "System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe")
prepend!(download_engines, [
(`$psh_path -Command ""`, psh_download(psh_path))
prepend!(download_engines, [
(`powershell -Command ""`, psh_download(`powershell`))
# We greatly prefer `7z` as a compression engine on Windows
prepend!(compression_engines, [(`7z --help`, gen_7z("7z")...)])
# On windows, we bundle 7z with Julia, so try invoking that directly
exe7z = joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, "7z.exe")
prepend!(compression_engines, [(`$exe7z --help`, gen_7z(exe7z)...)])
# And finally, we want to look for sh as busybox as well:
busybox = joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, "busybox.exe")
prepend!(sh_engines, [(`$busybox sh`)])
# Allow environment override
es = split(engine)
dl_ngs = filter(e -> e[1].exec[1:length(es)] == es, download_engines)
if isempty(dl_ngs)
all_ngs = join([d[1].exec[1] for d in download_engines], ", ")
warn_msg = "Ignoring BINARYPROVIDER_DOWNLOAD_ENGINE as its value "
warn_msg *= "of `$(engine)` doesn't match any known valid engines."
warn_msg *= " Try one of `$(all_ngs)`."
# If BINARYPROVIDER_DOWNLOAD_ENGINE matches one of our download engines,
# then restrict ourselves to looking only at that engine
download_engines = dl_ngs
es = split(engine)
comp_ngs = filter(e -> e[1].exec[1:length(es)] == es, compression_engines)
if isempty(comp_ngs)
all_ngs = join([c[1].exec[1] for c in compression_engines], ", ")
warn_msg *= "value of `$(engine)` doesn't match any known valid "
warn_msg *= "engines. Try one of `$(all_ngs)`."
# If BINARYPROVIDER_COMPRESSION_ENGINE matches one of our download
# engines, then restrict ourselves to looking only at that engine
compression_engines = comp_ngs
download_found = false
compression_found = false
sh_found = false
if verbose
@info("Probing for download engine...")
local _gen_download_cmd
# Search for a download engine
for (test, dl_func) in download_engines
if probe_cmd(`$test`; verbose=verbose)
# Set our download command generator
_gen_download_cmd = (url, path) -> dl_func(url, path)
download_found = true
if verbose
@info("Found download engine $(test.exec[1])")
if verbose
@info("Probing for compression engine...")
# Search for a compression engine
for (test, unpack, package, list, parse) in compression_engines
if probe_cmd(`$test`; verbose=verbose)
# Set our compression command generators
gen_unpack_cmd = unpack
gen_package_cmd = package
gen_list_tarball_cmd = list
parse_tarball_listing = parse
if verbose
@info("Found compression engine $(test.exec[1])")
compression_found = true
if verbose
@info("Probing for sh engine...")
for path in sh_engines
if probe_cmd(`$path --help`; verbose=verbose)
gen_sh_cmd = (cmd) -> `$path -c $cmd`
if verbose
@info("Found sh engine $(path.exec[1])")
sh_found = true
# Build informative error messages in case things go sideways
errmsg = ""
if !download_found
errmsg *= "No download engines found. We looked for: "
errmsg *= join([d[1].exec[1] for d in download_engines], ", ")
errmsg *= ". Install one and ensure it is available on the path.\n"
if !compression_found
errmsg *= "No compression engines found. We looked for: "
errmsg *= join([c[1].exec[1] for c in compression_engines], ", ")
errmsg *= ". Install one and ensure it is available on the path.\n"
if !sh_found && verbose
@warn("No sh engines found. Test suite will fail.")
# Error out if we couldn't find something
if !download_found || !compression_found
gen_download_cmd = (url, path) -> JuliaTeam.redirect_download_engine(_gen_download_cmd)
For windows a powershell command is used to download anything.
There is some overwrite:
and I tried this using a separate and new curl installation, but failed with unknown reason. I didn’t want to solve a curl problem now, when the real problem is Julia and powershell and i want to force powershell to see and use the proxy settings, which finally showed to be possible without changing the Julia stdlib code, which, on the other hand, seems to be quite difficult in JuliaPro. Changing any sources e.g. in C:\Users\oheil\AppData\Local\JuliaPro-1.2.0-1\Julia-1.2.0\share\julia\stdlib doesn’t show any effect and I wasn’t able to find out why.
In your windows home folder edit or create a file .gitconfig
and add the following lines:
proxy = http://YOUR-PROXY:3128
proxy = http://YOUR-PROXY:3128
[url "https://"]
insteadOf = git://
Instead of 3128 enter your proxy network port.
If you have installed git you can use the following commands inside the REPL to do this, e.g.:
run(`git config --global http.proxy `http://YOUR-PROXY:3128`)
run(`git config --global https.proxy `http://YOUR-PROXY:3128`)
run(`git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://`)
For the powershell (and especially the .NET System.Net.WebClient class) to be aware of a proxy we need a powershell profile, where we put the relevant options. With that any new powershell receives the proxy settings.
If you already have a powershell profile you probably know about this. Skip the creation part which follows now.
Open a powershell and enter:
New-Item -path $profile -type file –force
this creates a file and prints the name and the location of the file, e.g.:
PS C:\WINDOWS\System32> New-Item -path $profile -type file -force
Verzeichnis: C:\Users\oheil\Documents\WindowsPowerShell
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 07.11.2019 15:26 0 Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
Now edit the file Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
and enter:
$proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy $MyProxy
$Wcl = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$Wcl.proxy = $proxy
$Wcl.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
Of course you need your proxy host and change port 3128 to your specific port.
Save the file.
If you have to use special credentials for the proxy you have to do the following:
Create a XML file e.g. proxy_cred.xml with the following command:
Get-Credential -Credential "<your-domain>\<your-username>" | Export-Clixml proxy_cred.xml
You will be prompted for your password.
The above powershell profile is than:
$MyProxyCred = Import-Clixml -Path "<full path to proxy_cred.xml>"
$proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy $MyProxy
$Wcl = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$Wcl.proxy = $proxy
$Wcl.Proxy.Credentials = $MyProxyCred
Now open a new powershell and see if you get error messages not being allowed to run scripts like it is for me, but it works for me with local admin rights.
I didn’t had to create the profile again als local administrator (which is another user for me), it just worked with the profile created as normal user (this is somehow strange).
Now running JuliaPro as local Administrator and installing Plots results in:
(v1.2) pkg> add Plots
Cloning default registries into `C:\Users\admv310\.juliapro\JuliaPro_v1.2.0-1`
Cloning registry from ""
ERROR: Please retrieve a token from "" and store it at "C:\Users\admv310\.juliapro\token.toml"
[1] error(::String) at .\error.jl:33
which looks much better and where I stop now, as getting a token is something else and not related to proxy servers (I hope).
If you do not get any errors about running scripts in powershell is not allowed than you do not need local Admin rights.
I would say, this whole process is a mess and we Windows Julians urgently need some more general and more reliable download mechanism in the REPL.