Kristoffer, you seem to assume that I invented the use of REQUIRE. That is not so. That was whatever way to specify what packages I required howevermuch time ago I installed julia for the first time, and that was that. This approach worked without me having to do anything aside from creating a new v0.x directory with REQUIRE in it at any 0.x change, and it has always worked flawlessly invoking Pkg.update()
. So, until 0.7 I had to put 0 though and 20 second of bash in getting what I needed in a way that was consistent, standard, and imposed upon me by whatever doc and method created whenever in the past stating ‘this is how you install and keep up to date any packages you might want in julia’. I did not make this rule, I just followed it, and it worked until 0.6.4.
So I am perfectly happy to say that breaking this convention has forced me to wade in the incomprehensible logic of ‘Pkg is designed around “environments”: independent sets of packages that can be local to an individual project or shared and selected by name’. Who on Earth… I am not planning to play with the damn thing, but to do work with it. One install, one version, one set of up to date packages. End of. REQUIRE provided one simple, logical and consistent way to achieve that. REQUIRE is not supported anymore? I can live with it, though, pray, how do I get the same functionality, ideally with the same ease?
Finally I am happy to ask a friend to translate in Swedish if the nuance, or any of the above is not clear to you.