I wanted to give Julia version 0.7 a try and update a package I developed as required. I got stuck rather quickly.
Downloaded and installed Julia 0.7
Version 0.7.0-DEV.4690 (2018-03-23 22:25 UTC)
Commit 78c7d87369* (3 days old master)
# Julia console:
julia> Pkg.add("PkgDev")
julia> using PkgDev
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: ArgumentError: Module Main not found in current path.
ERROR: Failed to precompile PkgDev to C:\Users\Owner\.julia\compiled\v0.7\PkgDev.ji.
The package manager for Julia 0.7 will be the current Pkg3 and not the future renamed Pkg2 which is the package manager for Julia 0.6. The API will be very similar, but the underlying structure is very different. For now the best resource would be the latest documentation, following Pkg3 Plan and Status Discourse post, the stdlib repository or reaching out to the main author @StefanKarpinski. PkgDev functionalities seem to be included in the package manager as it was before PkgDev.
Is this also how people are supposed to publish new packages? The official documentation (at least coad-loading, Pkg, and modules) seems to be missing information about registering and tagging packages with the new package manager.
If you have to, you can also checkout the repo on v0.6 and then use PkgDev in 0.6 to publish, it doesnt matter if the package code doesnt run in 0.6, PkgDev can still be used, just not on 0.7
“fairly easy”… that’s opinable…
Seriously, if there are plans to make something that automatize all that passages it would be better…
Bdw, is suppose there are no differences between dev ThatPackage and develop ThatPackage? (I understood that Pkg.dev() doesn’t exists)
Yep, dev is a shorthand and is identical to develop in the pkg> prompt.
I would suggest that you try the above workflow. It looks complicated before you do it, but it is fairly easy once you do it a few times. Also, being somewhat more hands-on allows you to deal with complications.