Documenter.jl no method matching deploy_folder

Hello - I’m working on deploying documentation for my package.

The contents of my make.jl file are as follows:

using Documenter, RadarQC

        modules= [RadarQC],
        pages = [
            "Home" => ""
        format = Documenter.HTML(prettyurls = false))


And when I attempt to run this, I get

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching deploy_folder(::String; branch::String, branch_previews::String, devbranch::String, devurl::String, push_preview::Bool, repo::String, repo_previews::String, tag_prefix::String)

Closest candidates are:
  deploy_folder(::Documenter.Woodpecker; repo, repo_previews, branch, branch_previews, devbranch, push_preview, devurl, tag_prefix, kwargs...)
   @ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/2OZOh/src/deployconfig.jl:993
  deploy_folder(::Documenter.Buildkite; repo, repo_previews, devbranch, push_preview, devurl, branch, branch_previews, tag_prefix, kwargs...)
   @ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/2OZOh/src/deployconfig.jl:740
  deploy_folder(::Documenter.GitLab; repo, repo_previews, devbranch, push_preview, devurl, branch, branch_previews, tag_prefix, kwargs...)
   @ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/2OZOh/src/deployconfig.jl:597

Does anyone have thoughts on this?

Why do you have that? That’s not a valid value for deploy_config (and you probably should be letting Documenter figure out the deploy_config automatically)

Other issues that most likely aren’t directly related to your error:


I wouldn’t recommend modifying the LOAD_PATH in your make.jl file. It would be better to replace that with something like

Pkg.develop(path=joinpath(@__DIR__, ".."))

And if you do use LOAD_PATH: is that the right directory to add?

format = Documenter.HTML(prettyurls = false)

I’d recommend the default prettyurls=true, even if that means you have to run a local web server (LiveServer or python -m http.server) to preview your documentation.

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Thank you for the reply!

I was noticing I was ending up with

┌ Warning: Documenter could not auto-detect the building environment Skipping deployment.
└ @ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/2OZOh/src/deployconfig.jl:76

if I don’t specify the deploy config.

Edit: This doesn’t actually break anything, the deployment works perfectly fine.