Documentation for setting up command line interface after installing Julia Pro?

Hi, I’m unable to find the complete documentation for setting up the command line. At this time, I have completed the following:

  1. installed JuliaPro

  2. adding the following environment variables to my .profile

    export JULIA_HOME=/Applications/
    export PATH=${JULIA_HOME}/Contents/Resources/julia/Contents/Resources/julia/bin:${PATH}
  3. using the command line

     $ julia

I see the following error in the terminal:

      ERROR: could not load library "/Applications/"
dlopen(/Applications/, 6): image not found

Hi, I was able to resolve the issue by doing the following:

export JULIA_HOME=/Applications/
export JULIA_RESOURCES_HOME=${JULIA_HOME}/Contents/Resources/julia/Contents/Resources
export PATH=${JULIA_RESOURCES_HOME}/julia/bin:${PATH}

However, I would like to verify the above setup with actual Julia or JuliaPro documentation.

You could open an issue here:

Hi, thanks for the reply but this doesn’t seem to be an active repository at all. After reading through the various repositories and sites, I have come to this conclusion:

I’ll add this to my list of questions for when I see Mike Inness on Tuesday at the upcoming Julia Meetup.

It is my impression that they created the repo just for issues. It is true that you would open the first one.

For IDE alternatives, see VS Code (release info) and Atom/Juno.

For anyone using Modules, my module file for Julia is

## hwloc modulefile
proc ModulesHelp { } {

        puts stderr "\tAdds the Julia language to your environment"

module-whatis   "Adds Julia to your environment"

set                ROOT /hpc/data/hpc-team/jhearns/julia-d386e40c17

setenv             JULIA_HOME $ROOT/bin
setenv             JULIA_PKGDIR $ROOT/.julia
setenv             JULIA_HISTORY $ROOT/.julia_history
setenv             JULIA_LOAD_PATH $ROOT/lib/julia

prepend-path        PATH         $ROOT/bin