Django/mezzanine like example with genie?


I am considering porting a website from python to Julia. I have a django/mezzanine website which is dynamic (login, admin backend, backend for building pages, users gestion…) and I am looking for something similar in Julia.

Naturally, I looked at the very nice Genie.jl but I could not find an example with the above functionalities.

Do you have any advice/recommandation by any chance?

Thank you

There is nothing offering full equivalence of django/mezzanine. One of current drawbacks of Julia …

Your best bet is to extend Genie for what is missing

Has the situation evolved on this matter?

I tried to use Genie to make a website recently and there’s an authentication/login system that works, but beyond that you still need to do a lot of things by yourself. Some basic functionalities like SQL joins don’t work either and there’s little documentation. It’s kinda fun to do a website in Julia but it’s not mature.

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Should you do SQL (joins) or ORM with Genie.jl?

I know Genie is patterned after Django, and it has such functionality.

Genie does, or did too. I mean there’s SearchLight.jl ORM, that was part of Genie, and I suggested it would be separated. At the time it was probably the first and only Julia ORM, and I thought it might be also useful for others.

Since then there’s e.g. Octo.jl. Is it possible it or some other non-Genie option is better and you should use with Genie?

Performing raw SQL queries

Explore the ORM before using raw SQL!

You certainly can do raw SQL with or without Genie. And do ORM with or without. I’m just curious, why the (perceived) need that a web framework should do database stuff for you? Database related packages can (and should?) be separate. Though Genie could recommend one and/or depend on one?

I’m not sure what Mezzanine is, I hadn’t heard of it, i.e. why you need it and Django, but I at least looked up SQL in its docs:

The above technique provides a great way of avoiding the performance penalties of SQL JOINS required by the traditional approach of subclassing models,

It seems like in Python you use (at least these) two systems together, so is it unfair that you need to look further than just one Genie system?

I have a mezzanine website but I was looking for a Julia solution. I am much more fluent in julia now

SearchLight is part of the Genie framework and it’s what is used in the docs, e.g. :

But yes it would be good to be able to use different ORMs, I don’t know if anybody has tried.