Distribution in 1.4.2?

I am converting a lot between distributions. In Julia 1.2 , this code worked perfectly:

Logistic(p::Logistic) = p;
Normal(p::Normal) = p;
Gumbel(p::Gumbel) = p;

Logistic(p::Gumbel) = (ξ=0.68; Logistic(p.μ-p.θ*log(log(2)),p.θ*ξ)); 
Gumbel(p::Logistic) = (ξ=0.68; Gumbel(p.μ+p.θ*log(log(2))/ξ,p.θ/ξ)); 

Normal(p::Logistic) = (ξ=1/1.6; Normal(p.μ,p.θ/ξ)); #
Logistic(p::Normal) = (ξ=1/1.6; Logistic(p.μ,p.σ*ξ)); 

Normal(p::Gumbel) = (ξ=1; Normal(p.μ-p.θ*log(log(2))/ξ,p.θ*ξ)); 
Gumbel(p::Normal) = (ξ=1; Gumbel(p.μ+p.σ*log(log(2))/ξ,p.σ/ξ));

Suddenly, in Julia 1.4.2, it is broken. I get the error

ArgumentError: invalid type for argument p in method definition for Normal at In[10]:3

Any help would be highly appreciated. It may generally be a good feature for univariate distributions…

This code works fine for me in the Julia 1.4.2 REPL after using Distributions. How did you run it when you got the error?

This code works fine for me in the Julia 1.4.2 REPL after using Distributions. How did you run it when you got the error?

When I run it once on a clean memory, it works. If I run it again, it
does not. But I learned
an easy fix:

using Distributions
import Distributions.Logistic
import Distributions.Normal
import Distributions.Gumbel