Disable Markers when Plotting with Ribbon

Hey everyone,

Since the last update I have the following problem. I have a plot including a ribbon using pgfplotsx. It automatically includes markers on the ribbon and on the mean, which I would like to remove both.

Here is the code:

using Plots
xs    = 1:15
μs    = 1:15
sigma = rand(15)*3
plot(xs, μs, grid=false, ribbon = sigma, fillalpha = 0.4, label = "", color = :black)

which leads to


I would like to disable the black dots. Does anybody have an idea?

I have never used pgfplotsx, but what happens if you set the marker size to zero? (ms=0, alternatively a very small value) Can you set the marker color to false? (mc=false) May also have to set the marker stroke color in the same way (msc=false). Alternativel, set the marker alpha value to zero? (ma=0, msa=0).

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Sadly, none of them work. I guess it must be a bug with the backend, as it was introduced after an update. I’ll file an issue.

I agree – it must be a bug.

Which Version of Plots is this?

Plots: 1.16.3
Pyplot: 2.9.0
PGFPLotsX: 1.3.0