Difficulty in understanding Error from Zygote

I’m trying to write a custom adjoint for a function given below:

function factor_divide(poly::Vector{ComplexF64}, α::ComplexF64, p::Int64)
    quotient_deg::Int64 = size(poly,1) - p - 1
    quotient::Vector{ComplexF64} = zeros(ComplexF64, quotient_deg + 1)
    g::Vector{ComplexF64} = map(i->(-α)^(p-i+1)*binomial(p,i-1),1:p+1)
    quotient[1] = poly[1]/g[1]
    for i in 2:size(quotient, 1)
        quotient[i] = (poly[i]-sum(j->quotient[j]*g[i-j+1],max(1,i-p):i-1))/g[1]
    return quotient

Whose derivative I have defined as follows:

function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(factor_divide),poly::Vector{ComplexF64},α::ComplexF64,p::Int64)
    ### Can this be done with less allocations??
#     quotient::Vector{ComplexF64} = factor_divide(poly, α, p)
#     function factor_divide_pullback(co_quotient)
    quotient_deg::Int64 = size(poly,1) - p - 1
    quotient::Vector{ComplexF64} = zeros(ComplexF64, quotient_deg + 1)
    g::Vector{ComplexF64} = map(i->(-α)^(p-i+1)*binomial(p,i-1),1:p+1)
    g_deriv::Vector{ComplexF64} = map(i->-(p-i+1)*(-α)^(p-i)*binomial(p,i-1),1:p)
        co_f = NoTangent()
    co_poly::Matrix{ComplexF64} = zeros(ComplexF64,size(poly,1),size(quotient,1)) ## Transpose. Column Major.
    co_α::Matrix{ComplexF64} = zeros(ComplexF64,1, size(quotient,1))
    co_p = NoTangent()
    quotient[1] = poly[1]/g[1]
    co_poly[1,1] = 1/g[1]
    co_α[1,1] = -quotient[1]*g_deriv[1]/g[1]
    @inbounds for i in 2:size(quotient, 1)
        quotient[i] = (poly[i]-sum(j->quotient[j]*g[i-j+1],max(1,i-p):i-1))/g[1]
        co_α[1,i] = -(quotient[i]*g_deriv[1]+mapreduce(j->co_α[j,1]*g[i-j+1] + quotient[j]*g_deriv[i-j+1],+,max(1,i+1-p):i-1;init=zero(ComplexF64)))/g[1]
        @inbounds for j in 1:i
            co_poly[j,i] = (I[j,i]-sum(k->co_poly[j,k]*g[i+1-k],max(1,i-p):i-1))/g[1]
    function factor_divide_pullback(co_quotient)
       return co_f, co_poly * co_quotient, co_α*co_quotient, co_p 
    return quotient, factor_divide_pullback

When I try to take the function’s gradient directly, there seems to be no problem: I use Zygote’s gradient or jacobian.
However, when I use a test case of the following form:

Zygote.gradient((x,y,z)->real(evalpoly(randn(ComplexF64), complex([-1.0,3.0,-1.0,1.0]),complex(1.0),1)

Zygote raises an error:

MethodError: no method matching (::ProjectTo{ComplexF64, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})(::Vector{ComplexF64})

Closest candidates are:
  (::ProjectTo{T})(::Integer) where T<:(Complex{<:AbstractFloat})
   @ ChainRulesCore ~/.julia/packages/ChainRulesCore/C73ay/src/projection.jl:181
  (::ProjectTo{T})(::AbstractZero) where T
   @ ChainRulesCore ~/.julia/packages/ChainRulesCore/C73ay/src/projection.jl:120
   @ ChainRulesCore ~/.julia/packages/ChainRulesCore/C73ay/src/projection.jl:192

 [1] _project
   @ ~/.julia/packages/Zygote/AS0Go/src/compiler/chainrules.jl:184 [inlined]
 [2] map
   @ ./tuple.jl:299 [inlined]
 [3] map(f::typeof(Zygote._project), t::Tuple{Vector{ComplexF64}, ComplexF64, Int64}, s::Tuple{Vector{ComplexF64}, Vector{ComplexF64}, Nothing})
   @ Base ./tuple.jl:302
 [4] gradient(::Function, ::Vector{ComplexF64}, ::Vararg{Any})
   @ Zygote ~/.julia/packages/Zygote/AS0Go/src/compiler/interface.jl:98
 [5] top-level scope
   @ In[131]:1

I am, however, able to take a derivative using the first argument. The problem seems to be whenever I also try to include the second argument. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I think it’s trying to tell you that co_α*co_quotient is a vector, perhaps of length 1, while the original value is α::ComplexF64 a scalar.

Thanks! This does seem to have been the issue. Replacing matrix multiplication with a dot product (to get a scalar) resolves the issue.