Hi everyone,
I’m quite new to Julia and I’ve been stuck on a problem for awhile. I’m trying to learn to solve differential equations with Julia. For instance I tried to run a pre-made simple example code by Christopher Rackauckas, but I got an error.
The code can be found here. It’s the first code on that page. I’ll also write it here:
using DifferentialEquations
alpha = 0.5 #Setting alpha to 1/2
f(y,t) = alpha*y
u0 = 1.5
prob = ODEProblem(f,u0)
timespan = [0,1] # Solve from time = 0 to time = 1
sol = solve(prob,timespan) # Solves the ODE
using Plots
plot(sol) # Plots the solution using Plots.jl
And the error I’m getting says: >LoadError: MethodError: no method matching DiffEqBase.ODEProblem{uType,tType,isinplace,F,C,MM}(::#f ::Float64).
I have installed the DifferentialEquations.jl -package, even removed it and then re-installed it, but nothing changed. Other similar codes won’t work either. Anyone with more experience having suggestions what I should try to do in order to fix this?