Hello, let’s define a few type hierarchy (on Julia v0.7):
julia> abstract type T end
julia> abstract type T1 <: T end
julia> abstract type T2 <: T end
For the function, it works:
julia> foo2(x::X) where {X<:Type{<:T}} = "ok"
foo2 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo2(T1)
julia> foo2(T)
However, if I construct a struct
it won’t works,
julia> struct Foo{X<:Type{<:T}}
julia> Foo(T1)
ERROR: TypeError: in Foo, in X, expected X<:(Type{#s12} where #s12<:T), got Type{DataType}
[1] Foo(::Type{T1}) at ./REPL[5]:2
[2] top-level scope at none:0
Then I use the inner constructor which is nearly the same as the function and still doesn’t work:
julia> struct Foo2{X<:Type{<:T}}
function Foo2(x::X) where {X<:Type{<:T}}
s = new{x}()
s.x = x
julia> Foo2(T1)
ERROR: TypeError: in Foo2, in X, expected X<:(Type{#s13} where #s13<:T), got Type{T1}
[1] Foo2(::Type{T1}) at ./REPL[17]:4
[2] top-level scope at none:0
Why wouldn’t my T1
be passed into Foo
or Foo2
? One reason I would do this is trying to dispatch specifically on T1
and T2
but also need some generality on T
Thank you!