Hey All,
I’m exploring coding concepts from Group theory.
There’s a lot of questions I can ask here so I wanted to put them into one place and see if anyone can support me in finding the answers.
- If I construct a Set of elements (undefined/abstract), how can I define an operation that will work (only) on those elements?
- How can I call upon an element from a Set?
- How can I add new elements to a Set, if the Set is already defined?
The sets and rules I am looking to build will impact different parts of the elements in a given set. The most simple functions are rotations. So if the function is applied to an element of the Set, it outputs another element of the Set.
And addition; so when I piece two elements in the Set, it makes a new element with some changes. I want this element to sit in another Set (to be defined).
Appreciate this is abstract and may need more detail; I may also be posting other threads along these lines
All the best!
Are these homework questions?
Have you read the documentation on sets? These questions should all be answered in the documentation, except for this one:
- If I construct a Set of elements (undefined/abstract), how can I define an operation that will work (only) on those elements?
This might be best handled via the type system.
Thank you pdeffebach!
No these are not homework haha :). I am trying to build something, that links colour, through group sets, to data for analysis. But I am struggling to get my head around how to explain it, and get uncertain as to which part to focus on
I will take a read over the documentation again; thank you for sharing!
The documentation is not covering what I am looking for.
Is it possible to define a function, such that the input is an element from a given Set, and the output is an element from a given Set.
e.g: I have three elements. a,b,c. I define a set S = {a,b,c}
I define a function f(x) for x belonging to S, such that:
f(a) = b
f(b) = c
f(c) = a
One step further would be:
Let S1 = {a,b,c} , Let S2 = {d,e,f}
g(x) maps S1 → S2, for x belonging to S1 and g(x) belonging to S2:
f(a) = d
f(b) = e
f(c) = f
Any help is appreciated!
s will probably do what you want. See documentation here
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From what I understand, you are trying to define a function on a finite domain. For that, I would just use a dictionary maybe wrapped in a type to make it callable:
julia> struct FiniteMap{In,Out}
julia> FiniteMap(ins, outs) = FiniteMap(Dict(zip(ins, outs)))
julia> (f::FiniteMap)(x) = f.mapping[x]
julia> f = FiniteMap([:a, :b, :c], [1, 3, 2])
FiniteMap{Symbol, Int64}(Dict(:a => 1, :b => 3, :c => 2))
julia> xs = rand([:a, :b, :c], 8)
8-element Vector{Symbol}:
julia> f.(xs)
8-element Vector{Int64}: