DataFrames Plot: Plot the year for the x-tick at x-axis

Hi all,

I am using the source of historical data from: Stock Market Indices -

I want to plot the price (graph plot) from the csv I downloaded (JKSE / Jakarta Stock Composite Index).

But, the x-tick is number 1-400, I want to show year if possible like 1990 1995 2000 for the x-tick

and another problem:

They get it upside down. The first one is the top row, thus the graph is mirrored with the real graph from yahoo finance or, the current price is 6800 , not below 1000. If it is below 1000 perhaps need to wait for another startup dotcom bubble edition III.


This code works with data at x-axis but it is in reverse, the right one should be newer date. This is a new kind of chart, mirroring.

using CSV, DataFrames, Plots, Plots.PlotMeasures

filejak = "./csv/Jakarta Stock Exchange Composite Index Historical Data.csv"

dfjak =, DataFrame)

dfjak.Price .= parse.(Float64, replace.(dfjak.Price, "," => ""))
dfjak[!,"Change %"] .= parse.(Float64, replace.(dfjak[!,"Change %"], "%" => ""))

p1 = plot(dfjak.Date, dfjak.Price, title="",
	label="Jakarta Stock Exchange (Price)", xlabel="", ylabel="")
p2 = plot(dfjak.Date, dfjak[!,"Change %"], title="",
	label="Jakarta Stock Exchange (% Change)", xlabel="", ylabel="")

plot(p1, p2, size=(1200,800), layout = (2, 1), 
	legend=:outerright, left_margin=10mm, bottom_margin=5mm,
     	xaxis = "", yaxis = "Frequencies")

You need to supply values for the x-axis if you don’t just want your plot to start from zero, so something like

plot(dfjak.Date, dfjak.Price)

(assuming that there is a column Date in your data which gives the trading day).

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yes, but still the order is still in reverse. It works with dfjak.Date

Well it plots in whatever order you provide the data to plot - if you want to have older dates first you need to sort your data on :Date.

Try something like:

using Dates
df.year = Dates.year.(Date.(df.Date, "mm/dd/yyyy"))
# sort(df, :year)   # Sort dataframe by year if needed
plot(df.year, df[!,"Change %"])

This is with .Date:

using Dates, CSV, DataFrames, Plots, Plots.PlotMeasures

filejak = "./csv/Jakarta Stock Exchange Composite Index Historical Data.csv"

dfjak =, DataFrame)

dfjak.Price .= parse.(Float64, replace.(dfjak.Price, "," => ""))
dfjak[!,"Change %"] .= parse.(Float64, replace.(dfjak[!,"Change %"], "%" => ""))
dfjak.year = Dates.year.(Date.(dfjak.Date, "mm/dd/yyyy"))
# sort(dfjak, :year)   # Sort dataframe by year if needed

p1 = plot(dfjak.Date, dfjak.Price, title="",
	label="Jakarta Stock Exchange (Price)", xlabel="", ylabel="")
p2 = plot(dfjak.Date, dfjak[!,"Change %"], title="",
	label="Jakarta Stock Exchange (% Change)", xlabel="", ylabel="")

plot(p1, p2, size=(1200,800), layout = (2, 1), 
	legend=:outerright, left_margin=10mm, bottom_margin=5mm,
     	xaxis = "", yaxis = "Frequencies")

this is with Dates.year:

using CSV, Dates, DataFrames, Plots, Plots.PlotMeasures

filejak = "./csv/Jakarta Stock Exchange Composite Index Historical Data.csv"

dfjak =, DataFrame)

dfjak.Price .= parse.(Float64, replace.(dfjak.Price, "," => ""))
dfjak[!,"Change %"] .= parse.(Float64, replace.(dfjak[!,"Change %"], "%" => ""))
dfjak.year = Dates.year.(Date.(dfjak.Date, "mm/dd/yyyy"))
# sort(dfjak, :year)   # Sort dataframe by year if needed

p1 = plot(dfjak.year, dfjak.Price, title="",
    label="Jakarta Stock Exchange (Price)", xlabel="", ylabel="")
p2 = plot(dfjak.Date, dfjak[!,"Change %"], title="",
    label="Jakarta Stock Exchange (% Change)", xlabel="", ylabel="")

plot(p1, p2, size=(900,800), layout = (2, 1), 
    legend=:outerright, left_margin=10mm, bottom_margin=5mm,
     xaxis = "", yaxis = "Frequencies")

I like the graph when using plot(dfjak.Date, dfjak.Price) but for xtick I want to only show the year like when using Dates.year.(Date.(df.Date, "mm/dd/yyyy"))

Try this:

using Dates
df.Dates = Date.(df.Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")
tick_years = Date.(unique(Dates.year.(df.Dates)))
tick_years = minimum(tick_years):Year(5):maximum(tick_years)
DateTick = Dates.format.(tick_years, "yyyy")
xlims = extrema([tick_years; df.Dates])
plot(df.Dates, df[!,"Change %"], xticks=(tick_years,DateTick), xlims=xlims)
1 Like

How to make the interval between xtick? so after 1990 it will be 1995 then 2000 so it won’t print every year from 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 … till 2023

using CSV, Dates, DataFrames, Plots, Plots.PlotMeasures

filejak = "./csv/Jakarta Stock Exchange Composite Index Historical Data.csv"

dfjak =, DataFrame)

dfjak.Price .= parse.(Float64, replace.(dfjak.Price, "," => ""))
dfjak[!,"Change %"] .= parse.(Float64, replace.(dfjak[!,"Change %"], "%" => ""))

dfjak.Dates = Date.(dfjak.Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")
tick_years = Date.(unique(Dates.year.(dfjak.Dates)))
DateTick = Dates.format.(tick_years, "yyyy")
xlims = extrema([tick_years; dfjak.Dates])

p1 = plot(dfjak.Dates, dfjak.Price, title="",
    xticks=(tick_years,DateTick), xlims=xlims,
    label="Jakarta Stock Exchange (Price)", xlabel="", ylabel="")
p2 = histogram(dfjak.Date, dfjak[!,"Change %"], title="",
    label="Jakarta Stock Exchange (% Change)", xlabel="", ylabel="")

plot(p1, p2, size=(1200,800), layout = (2, 1), 
    legend=:outerright, left_margin=10mm, bottom_margin=5mm,
     xaxis = "", yaxis = "Frequencies")

Try updated code further above.

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