I am trying to estimate three parameters of a ODE system with 368 equations couple. Since it is a big system I have decided to use CUDA as recommeded by other colleagues to speed up the process. Because the ODE is written matricially.
A toy and reproducible example is:
using DifferentialEquations
using DataFrames
using CSV
using Plots
using Shapefile
import GeoDataFrames as GDF
using LinearAlgebra
using ODE
using Interpolations
using DiffEqParamEstim
using SparseArrays
using CUDA
using ParameterizedFunctions
#using RecursiveArrayTools
using Optimization
using Distributions
loc = "/home/marta/"
loc = "U:/"
# Constants
m_c = 0.001 # probability of mosquito in a car
alp = 1/200 # average natural dispersal distance
# Create fake data
end_ind = 5
# Create fake mobility matrix
eta = cu([0.0 7.74415 5.24014 8.57707 5.21319;
6.9175 0.0 7.23771 45.2212 16.8025;
6.17319 7.426 0.0 17.7236 5.49988;
8.40241 44.21 20.1597 0.0 5309.46;
5.8309 17.5283 5.36841 5226.36 0.0])
# Create fake distance matrix
dist = [00.0 0.586656 0.574806 0.407857 0.414613;
0.586656 0.0 0.734197 0.677742 0.67704;
0.574806 0.734197 0.0 0.649191 0.674846;
0.407857 0.677742 0.649191 0.0 0.945872;
0.414613 0.67704 0.674846 0.945872 0.0]
mat_ar = exp.(-alp .* dist)
mat[diagind(mat_ar)] .= 0 # Set to zero diagonal of distance
mat = cu(mat_ar)
# Choose number of patches and IC
pop_init_ar = zeros(end_ind)
pop_init_ar[1] = 1
pop_init = cu(pop_init_ar)
# Fake time series
num_years = 1
num_days = 365*num_years
days = 1:num_days
days_per_year = 365
dates = collect(1:num_days)
# Fake seasonal
function fake_timeseries!(days ,days_per_year,num_days,dates)
R_Ms = Matrix{Float64}(undef, num_days,end_ind)
R_Ms[1:end,1] .= (30 .+ 10 * sin.(2 * π * days / days_per_year) + 2. * randn(num_days))./10
R_Ms[1:end,2] .= (30 .+ 10 * sin.(2 * π * days / days_per_year) + 2. * randn(num_days))./30
R_Ms[1:end,3] .= (30 .+ 10 * sin.(2 * π * days / days_per_year) + 2. * randn(num_days))./40
R_Ms[1:end,4] .= (30 .+ 10 * sin.(2 * π * days / days_per_year) + 2. * randn(num_days))./10
R_Ms[1:end,5] .= (30 .+ 10 * sin.(2 * π * days / days_per_year) + 2. * randn(num_days))./100
# Perform interpolation for each location
for i in 1:end_ind
# Extract temperature values for the current location
R_Ms_val = R_Ms[:, i]
dates_num = 1:size(dates, 1)
# Perform linear interpolation
itp = LinearInterpolation(dates_num, R_Ms_val,extrapolation_bc=Flat())
# Store the interpolated function
push!(interpolated_functions, itp)
# Create an array to store interpolated functions
interpolated_functions = []
fake_timeseries!(days ,days_per_year,num_days,dates)
# Integration non autonomous
function fun_na!(du, u, p, t)
R_M_vec = [interpolated_functions[i](t) for i in 1:end_ind] |> cu # Time series RM
du.= R_M_vec.*(p[1].*mat*u .+ p[2].*(eta)*u) .* (1 .- u) - p[3] .* u
# Set parameters
tspan = (t0, tf)
u0 = pop_init
p = [0.01,0.01,0.005]
# Create the ode model
prob = DifferentialEquations.ODEProblem(fun_na!, u0, tspan, p)
alg= DP8() #For low tolerances, Rodas4()
# Test Integrate ODE
@time obs = DifferentialEquations.solve(prob,alg;p=p, saveat=10)
# Create the vector of times of the observation. Assuming we observe in August 15 (or 16 depending onn leap years)
# t_obs = zeros(num_years)
# t_obs[1] = 227
# for i = 2:length(t_obs)
# t_obs[i] = t_obs[i-1] + 365
# end
# # Create fake obs if p(t)>0.5 then 1
# matrix_obs = zeros(end_ind,num_years)
# # Loop through unique id_mitma values
# for i in 1:end_ind
# # Get years for the current id_mitma
# for j in 1:num_years
# prob = sol(t_obs[j])[i]
# # Convert years to indices in the matrix
# if (prob > 0.7)
# matrix_obs[i,j:end] .= 1
# end
# end
# end
# Fake observed data
t = collect(range(0, stop = tf, length = 40))
using RecursiveArrayTools # for VectorOfArray
randomized = VectorOfArray([(obs(t[i]) ) for i in 1:length(t)])
data = convert(Array, randomized)
using ForwardDiff, OptimizationOptimJL, OptimizationBBO
# Compute the cost function
@time cost_function = build_loss_objective(prob, Rodas5(), L2Loss(t, data),
Optimization.AutoForwardDiff(), maxiters = 10000, verbose = false)
# Optimization
low_bound = [0,0,0]
up_bound = [0.1,0.1,0.1]
optprob = Optimization.OptimizationProblem(cost_function, [0.001,0.001,0.001],
lb = low_bound, ub = up_bound)
@time optsol = solve(optprob, BFGS())
And I get the following error:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching geqrf!(::CuArray{ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{…}, Float64, 3}, 2, CUDA.DeviceMemory})
Closest candidates are:
@ CUDA C:\Users\pardoaraujo.julia\packages\CUDA\75aiI\lib\cusolver\dense.jl:172
geqrf!(::StridedCuMatrix{Float32}, ::CuArray{Float32, 1})
@ CUDA C:\Users\pardoaraujo.julia\packages\CUDA\75aiI\lib\cusolver\dense.jl:150
@ CUDA C:\Users\pardoaraujo.julia\packages\CUDA\75aiI\lib\cusolver\dense.jl:172