<CTRL><c> on Windows

I am using the package LiveServer to display my documentation, using this function:

function docu()
    @eval using LiveServer
    Base.invokelatest(servedocs, launch_browser=true)

This works fine, but on Windows I am not able to terminate the server with <CTRL>+<c> as suggested by the text when launching it.

It works fine on Linux.

Any idea how to stop the server on Windows?

It did work for me

julia> using LiveServer

julia> serve(dir="C:\\v\\doc_t\\GMTjl_doc\\__site")
✓ LiveServer listening on http://localhost:8001/ ...
  (use CTRL+C to shut down)

⋮ shutting down LiveServer… ✓

Which terminal are you using?

The new Windows terminal that comes with Win11 (but that can be installed in Win10 as well).

I also use this terminal, but with bash from git for windows…

Hmm, this one was with a plain cmd.