I’m trying to make Julia server working on a Windows machine without being closed when a user log out.
So, I’ve tried to wrap a simple Julia HTTP server script (and WebSocket server script) into a service on Windows 10 x64 platform – with no success yet.
What I am doing wrong?
- Create Julia script file with a simple HTTP server (HTTP.jl package should be added): C:\test_julia_server\http_server.jl
using HTTP
import Sockets
using Dates
open("C:\\test_julia_server\\log.txt", "a") do io
println(io, "$(now()) Julia http_server script enter")
function handle(reg::HTTP.Request)
"<body>Hello from Julia!</body>" |> HTTP.Response
# define REST endpoints to dispatch to "service" functions
router = HTTP.Router()
HTTP.@register(router, "GET", "", handle)
localIP = Sockets.localhost
port = 8080
@sync HTTP.serve(router, localIP, port) # @sync to wait for completion
# in browser enter:
- Another option – create Julia script file with a simple WebSocket server (WebSockets.jl package should be added): C:\test_julia_server\ws_server.jl
using Dates
open("C:\\test_julia_server\\log.txt", "a") do io
println(io, "$(now()) Julia ws_server script enter")
using WebSockets
serverWS = WebSockets.ServerWS((req) -> WebSockets.Response(200),
(ws_server) -> (writeguarded(ws_server, "Hello"); readguarded(ws_server)))
WebSockets.with_logger(WebSocketLogger()) do
WebSockets.serve(serverWS, port = 8000)
- Create batch file C:\test_julia_server\run_server.bat
@echo off
@echo Batch: enter>> C:\test_julia_server\log.txt
cd C:\Julia\1.4.0_x64\bin\
@echo Batch: dir changed>> C:\test_julia_server\log.txt
julia.exe C:\test_julia_server\http_server.jl
@echo Batch: exit>> C:\test_julia_server\log.txt
Now, let’s try to run it as a service on Windows.
1. Using built-in tool SC
Run cmd as admin and type
sc create julia_sc start= demand displayname= "julia_sc" binpath= C:\test_julia_server\run_server.bat
Try to start a service
sc start julia_sc
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
Failed, so delete the service:
sc delete julia_sc
Log file:
Batch: enter
Batch: dir changed
Batch: exit
Looks like it cannot even execute Julia…
2. Using NSSM
Run cmd as admin from the folder with nssm.exe
nssm install julia_server_nssm
Fill in the form, several tries:
#1: Call julia executable with script file as an argument
#2 Call batch file C:\test_julia_server\run_server.bat
- Trying to start the server, it returns error
nssm start julia_server_nssm
julia_server: Unexpected status SERVICE_PAUSED in response to START control.
Or start from Services window and get:
Failed, so stop and delete the service
nssm stop julia_server_nssm
nssm remove julia_server_nssm
Check log file:
2020-04-09T04:16:26.281 Julia http_server script enter
2020-04-09T04:16:31.599 Julia http_server script enter
2020-04-09T04:16:40.933 Julia http_server script enter
Batch: dir changed
3:53:40 Julia http_server script enter
Batch: exit
Batch: enter
Batch: dir changed
3:53:43 Julia http_server script enter
Batch: exit
Looks like it actually runs Julia script, but fails to wait inside HTTP.serve and repeats… The same with websocket server.
3. Using RunAsAlive
- Run from console:
RunAsService install "julia_asalive" "C:\Julia\1.4.0_x64\bin\julia.exe" "C:\test_julia_server\http_server.jl"
net start "julia_asalive"
Log file output - server it starts only once:
2020-04-09T05:00:13.561 Julia script enter!
Try to access it from browser:
- Connection refused, so it is not working. -
Try to stop it:
net stop "julia_asalive"
The service could not be controlled in its present state.
So, it just stuck dead in services list.
4. Using SrvStart
Instructions: https://www.howtogeek.com/50786/using-srvstart-to-run-any-application-as-a-windows-service/
- Write configuration file: E:\juliasrv.ini
startup=C:\Julia\1.4.0_x64\bin\julia.exe C:\test_julia_server\http_server.jl
- Command prompt: create server (with no slashes in config file):
sc create julia_srv Displayname= "julia_srv" binpath= "srvstart.exe julia_srv -c E:juliasrv.ini" start= auto
sc start julia_srv
SERVICE_NAME: julia_srv
WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)
PID : 4732
- Trying to start it from Services window - it just closes immediately
Delete server:
sc delete julia_srv
Check log file - empty
Any ideas?
Should I write custom service app and embedd Julia call into it?