Googling here and there I managed to rename some .JPG files (produced, I believe, by an iphone) using the exif metadata.
I have to give the script to a friend of mine who can’t install programs on his Windows PC.
How can I make a small (?) executable that runs in its own directory and renames all (several hundred) files, like the example below?
using ImageMagick
exdt(f)=ImageMagick.magickinfo(f,( "exif:DateTime"))
iphotos=filter( n-> occursin("IMG_", n), readdir())
rawn=[exdt(f)["exif:DateTime"] for f in iphotos]
newn=[replace(nn, ":"=>"", " "=>"_" )*".JPG" for nn in rawn]
for (i,file) in enumerate(iphotos)