This is driving me nuts. Does anyone have a clue whether this fixable?
Could you try to clone the package, open it in vscode, and report what is peekable? I don’t know, it might be that my setup is somehow at fault… Thanks!
I dev’ed FinEtools and opened the directory in VSCode. Seems to be working normally for me. Here is the result of hovering my cursor over mul! in one of your tests:
I had my default 1.10 environment which does not include LinearAlgebra. After opening the directory in VSCode, the “Choose Julia Environment” button at the bottom of the screen still indicates “Julia Environment: v1.10”. Upon opening the REPL in VSCode, FinEtools is included in the status returned but Pkg:
(@v1.10) pkg> st
Status `C:\Users\peter\.julia\environments\v1.10\Project.toml`
[6e4b80f9] BenchmarkTools v1.4.0
[91bb5406] FinEtools v7.3.0 `C:\Users\peter\.julia\dev\FinEtools`
[5fb14364] OhMyREPL v0.5.23
[021381c1] PkgOnlineHelp v0.2.3
⌃ [91a5bcdd] Plots v1.39.0
⌃ [295af30f] Revise v3.5.12
Info Packages marked with ⌃ have new versions available and may be upgradable.