I am using the package QuantumOptics. I use the function : timeevolution.master_h(T, rho0, H, L). I get this compilation error (see below). I think I have updated the packages, and a version changed a bit. When I use my code on a different computer my code is OK and working well.
My question : how do I fix it ? I have tried to change the version of the package DiffEqBase, but it didn’t succeed. I try too to update until a new version fixes this problem, but it’s already been a week since I have this problem. Any other Idea ?
Thanks a lot for any help !
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: `promote_dual` not defined in `DiffEqBase`
Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.
[1] _promote_time_and_state(u0::Operator{…}, H::Operator{…}, J::Vector{…}, tspan::StepRange{…})
@ QuantumOptics.timeevolution ~/.julia/packages/QuantumOptics/ItxYh/src/timeevolution_base.jl:136
[2] master_h(tspan::StepRange{…}, rho0::Operator{…}, H::Operator{…}, J::Vector{…}; rates::Nothing, Jdagger::Vector{…}, fout::Nothing, kwargs::@Kwargs{})
@ QuantumOptics.timeevolution ~/.julia/packages/QuantumOptics/ItxYh/src/master.jl:17
[3] master_h(tspan::StepRange{…}, rho0::Operator{…}, H::Operator{…}, J::Vector{…})
@ QuantumOptics.timeevolution ~/.julia/packages/QuantumOptics/ItxYh/src/master.jl:8