Colored markdown section with Pluto.jl

In Pluto.jl, is there any way to create colored Markdown “tips” or “notes”, as shown in Julia’s Markdown Documentation? I think I’ve seen some Pluto notebooks on course channels on YouTube (mainly MIT courses), but I’m not sure how to do this. When I write md"!!! note Note text goes here", no colored output is shown. When I write…

!!! note
Note text goes here.

I see a colored Markdown section with the header “note”, but “Note text goes here” is printed below the section.

Not tested on Pluto but see the Admonitions section of the docs.
The indenting is important
I think you need

!!! note
    Note text goes here.

The pluto notebook samples that come with the package have some examples of colored sections of markdown if I recall, might take a look there and see how they accomplished it.

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