Julia docstrings are expected to be written in Markdown, but there are situations where it it may be useful to use other formats. E.g. the package GR is part of a larger project whose documentation seems to be made with Sphinx, using sources written in RST (cf. https://gr-framework.org). The documentation of GR’s high-level functions in Julia (jlgr Reference — GR Framework 0.66.0 documentation) uses the docstrings given in the source code, which are also written in RST to be consistent with the rest of the documentation.
As I commented some days ago, I am working on GRUtils, a package based on a module of GR to make it more “Julian”, and I wonder what should I do with the docstrings. One the one hand side I would like it to have docstrings that are nicely parsed by the tools provided by Julia (e.g. Documenter.jl), and this means rewriting them as Markdown. On the other hand, I would like to facilitate the production of documentation sources based on RST - as those of the original GR package -, with the same docstrings.
Is it possible to have both things? How can this be made?