A feature that I miss in Julia is the ability to clear my workspace. It is nice to be able to make sure that there is no global ghost-variable somewhere in your code, leading to it breaking if you restart your session. I frequently end up making such variables when prototyping code.
Pluto has shown me that it is possible. In Pluto, once you remove definitions, the variable/function is no longer defined. This is all without recompiling everything. If I am not mistaken, Pluto does this by defining a new main
In this discussion from 3-4 years ago, @jeff.bezanson stated that “… it should be possible to create a new module and “attach” the REPL to it. That seems like the right functionality for this.”
In the same discussion, @StefanKarpinski said that “… adding that functionality hasn’t been a high priority.”
So I was wondering - with Pluto having implemented a very functional solution, is this not the right time to make the functionality that would allow a user to clear the workspace?