Changing font size when using julia-mono-listings

Hi, folks

anybody knows how to change the font size when using julia-mono-listings to write Julia codes in articles and books?

The default looks too big for two-columns typesetting. The standard LaTeX commands (\small, \scriptsize, etc.) do not work.
If you have a working solution, please show here a small complete script.


I assume you’re talking about GitHub - mossr/julia-mono-listings: LaTeX listings style for Julia and Unicode support for the JuliaMono font

One way you can get smaller text is to use tiny rather than small. So you could edit the file julia-mono-listings.sty and copy the \lstdefinestyle{julia} ... definition, then change the basic style to say \tiny:

    backgroundcolor  = \color[HTML]{F2F2F2},
    basicstyle       = \JuliaMonoRegular\tiny\color[HTML]{19177C},

Now you have a new style called juliatiny, which you can use alongside the existing julia style:

\LaTeX source:


This is some code.

\begin{lstlisting}[language=JuliaLocal, style=julia]
using Luxor
@svg begin
    randpoint = Point(rand(-200:200), rand(-200:200))
    circle(randpoint, 2, :fill)
    foreach(f -> arrow(f, between(f, randpoint, .1), 
        first.(collect(Table(fill(20, 15), fill(20, 15)))))

That code was small.

\begin{lstlisting}[language=JuliaLocal, style=juliatiny]
using Luxor
@svg begin
    randpoint = Point(rand(-200:200), rand(-200:200))
    circle(randpoint, 2, :fill)
    foreach(f -> arrow(f, between(f, randpoint, .1), 
        first.(collect(Table(fill(20, 15), fill(20, 15)))))

That was tiny.


I couldn’t find any sizes other than small and tiny anywhere - perhaps that’s all you’re allowed to do?

(Disclaimer - I know very little about \LaTeX, and don’t really like what little I know… :slight_smile: )

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