When I try to start Julia I get the message:
Juliaup configuration is locked by another process, waiting for it to unlock.
and than it hangs, nothing else happens.
In the past I also saw this message, but it disappeared usually after less than a second. Now hangs at this state for a long time (> 20s).
What could be the reason?
How to fix?
This happens with and without the usage of VSCode on Ubuntu 24.04 and Julia 0.10.5.
Perhaps related:
ufechner@framework:~/repos/KiteModels.jl$ juliaup update
Error: Failed to update versions db.
Caused by:
0: Failed to download current version db version.
1: Failed to download from url `https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/juliaup/RELEASECHANNELDBVERSION`.
2: error sending request for url (https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/juliaup/RELEASECHANNELDBVERSION)
3: client error (Connect)
4: dns error: failed to lookup address information: Try again
5: failed to lookup address information: Try again
My internet works fine otherwise.
Problem disappeared. juliaup update
works, and the hanging also disappeared.
But there seams to be a bug in juliaup
that it hangs when some server is not available.