Have you already tried some approach that we can compare to?
A straightforward implementation:
function dot3(x, y, z)
s = zero(promote_type(eltype(x), eltype(y), eltype(z)))
@simd for i in eachindex(x, y, z)
s += x[i] * y[i] * z[i]
return s
I am getting
julia> x = rand(1000); y = rand(1000); z = rand(1000);
julia> @btime dot3($x, $y, $z);
118.453 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
This @simd for version by barucden above is probably approximately as fast as you can get. There’s some chance it does some suboptimal vectorization and that something based on LoopVectorization (or another) might eek out some more, but I doubt it will make a big difference to your overall program. I suspect that computing x, y, and z in the first place costs significantly more than this sum ever will (for example, even @btime fill!($x, 1); costs ~40% of what the sum does).
There just isn’t much optimization that one can do for simple 1-loop calculations.
You can do something simpler like mapreduce(*, +, x, y, z) or sum(prod, zip(x, y, z)), but those have some open performance issues right now so aren’t competitive with the @simd for implementation.
julia> x = rand(3); y = rand(2);
julia> for i in eachindex(x); @show x[i] + y[i] end
x[i] + y[i] = 1.0647502606457395
x[i] + y[i] = 1.0344221061391612
ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 2-element Vector{Float64} at index [3]
julia> for i in eachindex(x, y); @show x[i] + y[i] end
ERROR: DimensionMismatch: all inputs to eachindex must have the same indices, got Base.OneTo(3) and Base.OneTo(2)
x, y and z are all similar, so of course there’s no difference. The point is if they are different in some way, especially to catch size differences, but also just to find a workable iterator for all of them.
I have read the help docstring but I do not have a good picture of practical examples:
help?> eachindex
If you supply more than one AbstractArray argument, eachindex will create an iterable object that is fast for all
arguments (typically a UnitRange if all inputs have fast linear indexing, a CartesianIndices otherwise).