I’m finishing my masters degree in computational physics researching and implementing a scalable (distributed and GPU-based) version of the Parareal algorithm from parallel-in-time integration to solve equations of motion to find the momentum distribution of spontaneously created massless, spin-0 particles in analog (3+1)-dimensional de Sitter and other spacetimes arising from acoustics in Bose-Einstein condensates.
I also teach at a community college and find it very rewarding. A career goal of mine is to build an open-access curriculum around computation in not only undergraduate courses but especially introductory courses.
Previous research includes computationally investigating the role of microscopic molecular structure (quadrupolar) in emergent quantum many-body phenomena of a Bose-Einstein condensate of rigid-rotor molecules. Spoilers: there’s a second order transition between the uniaxial and biaxial liquid-crystal-like nematic phases.