How would you calculate a hessian of a Neural Network w.r.t. it’s parameters?
For instance, a hessian of the loss function below
using Flux: Chain, Dense, σ, crossentropy, params
using Zygote
model = Chain(
x -> reshape(x, :, size(x, 4)),
Dense(2, 5),
Dense(5, 1),
x -> σ.(x)
n_data = 5
input = randn(2, 1, 1, n_data)
target = randn(1, n_data)
loss = model -> Flux.crossentropy(model(input), target)
I can get a gradient w.r.t parameters in two ways…
Zygote.gradient(model -> loss(model), model)
grad = Zygote.gradient(() -> loss(model), params(model))
However, I can’t find a way to get a hessian w.r.t its parameters. (I want to do something like Zygote.hessian(model -> loss(model), model)
, but I can’t)