Hi, I’m trying to translate some of my code in Jax over to Julia and running into some errors when trying to use Zygote with Flux neural networks.
I have two problems:
- I get an error when trying to compute the Hessian of a neural network function, and this just may be my misunderstanding of the syntax, although I’ve tried it multiple ways.
- I get an error when trying to compute the jacobian of another function that involves the jacobian of yet another function.
Here is my code:
using Flux, DiffEqFlux, Zygote
using OrdinaryDiffEq, Random
using LinearAlgebra
import Trackerstruct CustomModel
input = vcat(x,dx)
return m.chain(input)
endf = Chain(
Dense(4, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 1)
)g = Chain(
Dense(4, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 1)
)h = Chain(
Dense(4, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 8, swish),
Dense(8, 1)
)Flux.@functor CustomModel
T = CustomModel(f)
U = CustomModel(g)
R = CustomModel(h)L(x,dx) = T(x,dx) .- U(x,dx)
pₖ(x,dx) = jacobian(L,x,dx)[2]function H(x, dx)
hamilt = dot(pₖ(x,dx), dx) .- L(x,dx)
endM(x,dx) = Zygote.hessian(T(x,dx), [x, dx])
function dp(x,dx)
dp = jacobian(H,x,dx)[1] .- jacobian(R,x,dx)[2]
endprintln(M(rand(2),rand(2))) # error 1
println(dp(rand(2),rand(2))) # error 2
And the errors that I get:
- ArgumentError: Cannot create a dual over scalar type Any. If the type behaves as a scalar, define ForwardDiff.can_dual(::Type{Any}) = true.
- Mutating arrays is not supported – called copyto!(::SubArray{Float64, 1, Matrix{Float64}, Tuple{Int64, Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}, true}, _…)
I’d appreciate any advice. I’m brand new to Julia so I apologize if this is a silly question.
For reference, in jax I am using the jax.jacfwd and jax.hessian functions to accomplish the same thing.
Thank you!