C.J. Musante as a JuliaCon 2019 keynote speaker!

Hi all!

We’re happy to share that Dr. C.J. Musante, Pfizer’s Senior Scientific Director and Head of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP), will join us as a keynote speaker at JuliaCon this summer. Since receiving her Ph.D. in Applied Math at NCSU, she has acquired over 18 years of experience in QSP modeling. Her group at Pfizer develops and applies mechanistic models for more robust and higher quality decision-making in drug therapy, and she is an advocate for model-informed approaches to drug discovery and development.

For more information about Dr. Musante and JuliaCon 2019, visit our homepage!

On behalf of the JuliaCon 2019 organizing committee,
Pontus Stenetorp and Jane Herriman
Executive Chair and Vice-Chair


First time in living memory I was excited to “randomly” receive, read, and enjoy a piece of direct marketing.

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