Bug Bounties and Mini Grants for Software in Quantum Science

As part of the NSF Engineering & Research Center for Quantum Networks we are building out a number of open source packages for Quantum Information Science. Those include tools for full-stack network simulation, modeling of Clifford circuits and error correction, and a small computer algebra system for quantum algebra.

We are now running an ongoing bounties and small grants program, with project awards in the $200 to $3000 range. Our goal is three-fold:

  • providing opportunities for new researchers
  • building community
  • building better software tools

If you want to participate and win bounties or small grants, join us on our issue tracker.

Here you can see more details about the logistics and a master list of bounties. Or you can see the per-project bounties and mini grants:

Moreover, we are open to funding your own independent proposals, if we believe they would be of use to our mission.